Lei nº 11.340/2006
Lei nº 11.340/2006
l Lei Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
Tradução de Espanhol:
Tradutora, Intérprete e Professora Angela de Almeida Pontes
Tradução de Inglês:
PANGEA - Centro de Tradução, Interpretação e Idiomas
CDU 34(094)(81)
l Lei Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
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l Lei Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
Boa leitura!
Pela diretoria,
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l Ley Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
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l Maria da Penha Law nº 11.340/2006 l
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l Maria da Penha Law nº 11.340/2006 l
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l Lei Maria da Penha – nº 11.340/2006 l
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l Lei Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
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l Lei Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
* Maria da Penha protagonizou um caso simbólico de violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher. Em 1983,
por duas vezes, seu marido tentou assassiná-la. Na primeira vez por arma de fogo e na segunda por eletrocussão
e afogamento. As tentativas de homicídio resultaram em lesões irreversíveis à sua saúde, como paraplegia e
outras seqüelas. Maria da Penha transformou dor em luta, tragédia em solidariedade. À sua luta e a de tantas
outras devemos os avanços que pudemos obter nestes últimos vinte anos.
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l Lei Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
Ministra da Secretaria Especial de Políticas para as Mulheres
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l Ley Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
*Maria da Penha protagonizó un caso simbólico de violencia doméstica y familiar contra la mujer. En 1983, por
dos veces, su marido intentó asesinarla. En la primera vez, por arma de fuego y en la segunda por electrocución
y ahogamiento. Los intentos de homicidio resultaron en lesiones irreversibles a su salud, como paraplejia y
otras secuelas. Maria da Penha ha transformado el dolor en lucha, la tragedia en solidaridad. A su lucha y a de
muchas otras debemos los avances que hemos podido obtener en estos últimos veinte años.
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l Ley Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
Nilcéa Freire
Ministra de la Secretaría Especial de Políticas para las Mujeres
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l Maria da Penha Law nº 11.340/2006 l
Maria da Penha was the prominent figure in a symbolic case of domestic and family violence against women.
On two separate occasions in 1983, her husband attempted to murder her. The first time came from a gun and
the second by electrocution and drowning. The murder attempts resulted in permanent injuries to her health,
and she now suffers from paraplegia and other ailments. Maria da Penha transformed her pain into struggle,
and her trage-dy into solidarity. We owe the progress that we have been able to achieve over the past twenty
years to her very efforts and those of many others.
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l Maria da Penha Law nº 11.340/2006 l
CFEMEA, CLADEM/ IPÊ and THEMIS). This proposal was discussed and
reformulated by an inter-ministerial working group that was coordinated
by the Special Secretariat for Women's Policies, and sent to the National
Congress by the federal government.
During the drafting stage of the bill in 2005, public hearings were held
in legislative assemblies in the five regions of the country, with intense
participation by civil society organizations. It resulted in a document that
was agreed upon the drafters of the bill, the group of NGOs and the fede-
ral executive, and ended up being unanimously ap-proved in the National
Congress and sanctioned by the Presidency of the Republic.
In effect since September 22, 2006, the Maria da Penha Law definitively
assures com-pliance with the OAS Convention to Prevent, Punish, and Era-
dicate Violence against Women (the Convention of Belém of Pará), ratified
by the Brazilian Government 11 years ago, as well as the UN Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimina-tion against Women (CEDAW).
“All women have the right to a violence-free life”. This is our wish and
must become our commitment.
Minister of the Special Secretariat of Policies for Women
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l Lei Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
Inovações da Lei
l Tipifica e define a violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher.
l Estabelece as formas da violência doméstica contra a mulher como
física, psicológica, sexual, patrimonial e moral.
l Determina que a violência doméstica contra a mulher independe de
sua orientação sexual.
l Determina que a mulher somente poderá renunciar à denúncia pe-
rante o juiz.
l Ficam proibidas as penas pecuniárias (pagamento de multas ou
cestas básicas).
l É vedada a entrega da intimação pela mulher ao agressor.
l A mulher vítima de violência doméstica será notificada dos atos pro-
cessuais, em especial quando do ingresso e saída da prisão do agressor.
l A mulher deverá estar acompanhada de advogado(a) ou defensor(a)
em todos os atos processuais.
l Retira dos juizados especiais criminais (lei 9.099/95) a competência
para julgar os crimes de violência doméstica contra a mulher.
l ltera o código de processo penal para possibilitar ao juiz a decretação
da prisão preventiva quando houver riscos à integridade física ou psicoló-
gica da mulher.
l Altera a lei de execuções penais para permitir o juiz que determine
o comparecimento obrigatório do agressor a programas de recuperação e
l Determina a criação de juizados especiais de violência doméstica e
familiar contra a mulher com competência cível e criminal para abranger
as questões de família decorrentes da violência contra a mulher.
l Caso a violência doméstica seja cometida contra mulher com defici-
ência, a pena será aumentada em 1/3.
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l Lei Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
Autoridade Policial
l Prevê um capítulo específico para o atendimento pela autoridade
policial para os casos de violência doméstica contra a mulher.
l Permite a autoridade policial prender o agressor em flagrante sempre
que houver qualquer das formas de violência doméstica contra a mulher.
l Registra o boletim de ocorrência e instaura o inquérito policial (com-
posto pelos depoimentos da vítima, do agressor, das testemunhas e de
provas documentais e periciais).
l Remete o inquérito policial ao Ministério Público.
l Pode requerer ao juiz, em 48h, que sejam concedidas diversas medidas
protetivas de urgência para a mulher em situação de violência.
l Solicita ao juiz a decretação da prisão preventiva com base na nova
lei que altera o código de processo penal.
Processo Judicial
l O juiz poderá conceder, no prazo de 48h, medidas protetivas de ur-
gência (suspensão do porte de armas do agressor, afastamento do agressor
do lar, distanciamento da vítima, dentre outras), dependendo da situação.
l O juiz do juizado de violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher
terá competência para apreciar o crime e os casos que envolverem questões
de família (pensão, separação, guarda de filhos etc.).
l O Ministério Público apresentará denúncia ao juiz e poderá propor
penas de 3 meses a 3 anos de detenção, cabendo ao juiz a decisão e a
sentença final.
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l Ley Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
Innovaciones de la Ley
l Tipifica y define la violencia doméstica y familiar contra la mujer.
l Establece las formas de la violencia doméstica contra la mujer como
física, psicológica, sexual, patrimonial y moral.
l Determina que la violencia doméstica contra la mujer independe de
su orientación sexual.
l Determina que la mujer solo podrá renunciar a la denuncia ante el
l Están prohibidas las sanciones pecuniarias (pago de multas o canastas
l Está prohibida la entrega de citación por la mujer al agresor.
l La mujer víctima de violencia doméstica será notificada de los actos
procesales, en especial cuando haya el ingreso y salida de la cárcel del
l La mujer deberá estar acompañada de abogado(a) o defensor(a) en
todos los actos procesales.
l Quita de los juzgados especiales criminales (Ley 9.099/95) la com-
petencia para juzgar los crímenes de violencia doméstica contra la mujer.
l Altera el código de proceso penal para posibilitar al magistrado de-
cretar la detención provisional cuando haya riesgo a la integridad física o
psicológica de la mujer.
l Altera la Ley de ejecuciones penales para permitir que el magistrado
determine la presencia obligatoria del agresor a programas de recuperación
y reeducación.
l Determina la creación de juzgados de violencia doméstica y familiar
contra la mujer con competencia civil y criminal para abarcar las cuestio-
nes de familia resultantes de la violencia contra la mujer. Caso se cometa
la violencia doméstica contra mujer con discapacidad, se aumentará la
pena en 1/3.
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l Ley Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
Autoridad Policial
l Prevé un capítulo específico para la atención por la autoridad policial
para los casos de violencia doméstica contra la mujer.
l Permite que la autoridad policial arreste el agresor en flagrante siempre
que haya cualquier una de las formas de violencia doméstica contra la mujer.
l Registra la querella e instaura la investigación policial (compuesta por
las declaraciones de la víctima, del agresor, de los testigos y de pruebas
documentales y periciales).
l Remite la investigación policial al Ministerio Público.
lPuede requerir al magistrado, en 48 horas, que se concedan diversas
medidas de protección de urgencia para la mujer en situación de violencia.
l Solicita al magistrado la declaración de la detención provisional con
base en la nueva Ley que altera el código de proceso penal.
Proceso Judicial
l El magistrado podrá conceder, en el plazo de 48 horas, medidas de
protección de urgencia (suspensión de la licencia de armas del agresor,
alejamiento del agresor del hogar, alejamiento de la víctima, entre otras),
a depender de la situación.
l El magistrado del juzgado de violencia doméstica y familiar contra la
mujer tendrá competencia para apreciar el crimen y los casos que involu-
cran cuestiones de familia (derecho de alimento, separación, custodia de
los hijos etcétera).
l El Ministerio Público presentará denuncia al magistrado y podrá
proponer pena de 3 meses a 3 años de detención, correspondiendo al
magistrado la decisión y la sentencia final.
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l Maria da Penha Law nº 11.340/2006 l
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l Maria da Penha Law nº 11.340/2006 l
Police Authority
l Prescribes a specific chapter for police authorities in dealing with
cases of domestic violence against women.
l Allows police authorities to arrest an offender caught in the act whe-
never there is any form of domestic violence against a woman.
l Registers a police report and establishes a police investigation (made
up of testimonies by the victim, the aggressor, witnesses, and documentary
and investigative evidence).
l Submits the police inquiry to the Public Prosecutor's Office.
l May request that the judge can grant various urgent protective measu-
res, within 48 hours, for women who find themselves in violent situations.
l Calls on the judge to determine preventive custody based on the new
law that amends the code of criminal procedure.
Judicial Process
l Within 48 hours, a judge may grant urgent protective measures (sus-
pension of the perpetrator's license to carry arms, removal of the aggressor
from the home, keeping the victim at a distance, among others) depending
on the situation.
l The judge for the domestic and family violence against women court
will have jurisdic-tion to assess the crime and cases involving family matters
(alimony, separation, cus-tody of children, etc.).
l The Public Prosecutor's Office will file charges with the judge and may
propose sen-tences from 3 months to 3 years of imprisonment, and the
judge will make the final de-cision and sentence.
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Íntegra da Lei
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l Lei Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
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l Lei Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
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l Lei Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
Art. 21. A ofendida deverá ser notificada dos atos processuais relativos
ao agressor, especialmente dos pertinentes ao ingresso e à saída da prisão,
sem prejuízo da intimação do advogado constituído ou do defensor público.
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l Lei Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
Seção III
Das Medidas Protetivas de Urgência à Ofendida
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Art. 25. O Ministério Público intervirá, quando não for parte, nas causas
cíveis e criminais decorrentes da violência doméstica e familiar contra a
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Art. 40. As obrigações previstas nesta Lei não excluem outras decor-
rentes dos princípios por ela adotados.
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l Lei Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
Art. 46. Esta Lei entra em vigor 45 (quarenta e cinco) dias após sua
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Íntegra de la Ley
Presidencia de la República
Casa Civil
Subdirección para Asunto Jurídicos
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l Ley Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
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l Ley Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
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Sección 1
Disposiciones Generales
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Sección II
De las Medidas de Protección
de Urgencia que Obligan al Agresor
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Sección III
De las Medidas de Protección
de Urgencias a la Ofendida
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Artículo 42. El Artículo 313 del Decreto Ley n° 3.689, del 3 de octubre
de 1941 (Código de Proceso Penal), pasa a estar vigente añadido del inciso
IV a continuación:
“Artículo 313. (…)
IV – caso el crimen involucre violencia doméstica y familiar contra la
mujer, de acuerdo con Ley específica, para garantizar la ejecución de las
medidas de protección de urgencia.” (NR)
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l Ley Maria da Penha nº 11.340/2006 l
Artículo 43. La alinea f del incido II del Artículo 61 del Decreto Ley n°
2.848, del 7 de diciembre de 1940 (Código Penal), pasa a estar vigente
con la redacción a continuación:
“Artículo 61. (…)
II – (…)
f) con abuso de autoridad o prevaleciéndose de relaciones domésticas,
de cohabitación o de hospitalidad, o con violencia contra la mujer en la
forma de la Ley específica; (…)” (NR)
Artículo 44. El Artículo 129 del Decreto Ley n° 2.848, del 7 de di-
ciembre de 1940 (Código Penal), pasa a estar vigente con las alteraciones
a continuación:
“Artículo 129. (…)
§ 9° Caso la lesión se practique contra el ascendiente, el descendiente,
el hermano, el conyugue o el compañero, o con quien conviva o haya con-
vivido, o, también, prevaleciéndose el agente de las relaciones domésticas,
de cohabitación o de hospitalidad: Condena – detención, de 3 (tres) meses
a 3 (tres) años. (…)
Artículo 45. El art 152 de la Ley n° 7.210, del 11 de julio de 1984 (Ley
de Ejecución Penal), pasa a estar vigente con la redacción a continuación:
“Artículo 152. (…)
Párrafo único. En los casos de violencia doméstica contra la mujer, el
magistrado podrá determinar la presencia obligatoria del agresor a progra-
mas de recuperación y reeducación.” (NR)
Artículo 46. Esta Ley estará vigente 45 (cuarenta y cinco) días después
de su publicación.
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l Maria da Penha Law nº 11.340/2006 l
Of the law
1st Article. This Law creates mechanisms to curb and prevent domestic
and family violence against women, pursuant to the 8th § of art. 226 of
the Federal Constitution, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Violence against Women, the Inter-American Convention to Prevent, Punish,
and Eradicate Violence against Women and other international treaties
rati-fied by the Federative Republic of Brazil; provides for the creation of
Courts for Domestic and Family Violence against Women; and establishes
measures for the assistance and protection of women in who find them-
selves in domestic and family violence situations.
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3rd Article. Women are guaranteed conditions for the effective exercise
of the rights to life, safety, health, food, education, culture, housing, judicial
access, sport, leisure, work, citizenship, freedom, dignity, respect and fam-
ily and community coexistence.
2nd Paragraph. It is incumbent upon the family, society and the public
au-thority to create the conditions necessary for the effective exercise of
the rights described in the caput.
4th Article. In the interpretation of this Law, its social purposes and,
in par-ticular, the conditions specific to women who find themselves in
situations involving domestic and family violence.
5th Article. For the effects of this Law, domestic and family violence
against a woman constitutes any act or omission based on gender that
causes death, injury, physical, sexual or psychological suffering and moral
or property damage:
I - under the sphere of the domestic unit, this unit is understood to be
the permanent space shared by people, with or without family ties, including
those who are occasionally grouped together;
II - under the sphere of the family, it is understood as the community
formed by individuals who are or consider themselves to be related, united
by natural ties, by affinity or express will;
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8th Article. The public policy geared towards curbing domestic and
family violence against women will be deployed through a coordinated set
of ac-tions by the Brazilian Federal Government, the States, the Federal
District and the Municipalities and non-governmental actions, in accordance
with the following guidelines:
I - operational integration of the Judiciary Branch, the Prosecutor’s Office
and the Public Defender with the areas of public security, social assis-tance,
health, education, work and housing;
II - promotion of studies and research, statistics and other relevant infor-
mation, with a gender and race or ethnicity perspective, on the causes,
consequences and frequency of domestic and family violence against
women, for the systematization of data, to be unified nationally, and the
regular evaluation of the results of the adopted measures;
III - respect, in the social communication media, for the ethical and
social values of the person and the family, avoiding stereotyped roles that
legiti-mize or encourage domestic and family violence, in compliance with
item III of article 1, item IV of article 3 and item IV of article 221 of the
Federal Constitution;
IV - implementation of specialized police services for women, particularly
in the Police Stations Attending to Women;
V - promotion and conducting of educational campaigns to prevent
domes-tic and family violence against women, geared towards the state
school system and overall society, and the dissemination of this Law and
the in-struments for the protection of women's human rights;
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l Maria da Penha Law nº 11.340/2006 l
1st Paragraph. For a certain period of time, a judge will determine the
inclu-sion of women in situations involving domestic and family violence in
the registry of federal, state and municipal government assistance programs.
2nd Paragraph. The judge will assure the following to any woman in a
situa-tion involving domestic and family violence in order to preserve her
physi-cal and psychological integrity:
I - priority access to removal as a public servant, a member of the direct
or indirect administration;
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II - maintenance of the labour link when her removal from the place of
work is required, for up to six months.
Article 12. In all cases of domestic and family violence against women,
after the incident is registered, the police authority shall immediately adopt
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1st Paragraph. The victim's claim shall be taken by the police authority
and shall contain:
I - details of the victim and the perpetrator;
II - name and age of dependants;
III - short description of the facts and of the protective measures
requested by the victim.
2nd Paragraph. The police authority shall attach the incident report to
the document referred to in the 1st Paragraph and a copy of all documents
available from the victim.
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Article 13. The regulations from the Criminal Procedure and Civil Procedure
Codes and the specific legislation pertaining to children, adolescents, and the
elderly that do not conflict with the provisions of this Law shall apply to the
judgement and in the execution of civil and criminal issues arising from the
practice of domestic and family violence against women.
Article 14. The Courts of Domestic and Family Violence against Women,
Ordi-nary Justice organizations with civil and criminal jurisdiction, may be creat-
ed by the Federal Government, in the Federal District and in the Territories, and
by the States for the process, judgement and execution of the causes arising
from the practice of domestic and family violence against women.
Article 15. Through the choice made by the victim, for civil cases
governed by this Law, the following courts hold jurisdiction:
I - their domicile or residence;
II - the place where the claim occurred;
III - the perpetrator's domicile.
Article 17. In domestic and family violence against women cases, the
applica-tion of basic food or other payment penalties, as well as the substitution
of a penalty that implies the isolated payment of a fine, is forbidden.
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Section I
General Provisions
3rd Paragraph. At the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office or the vic-tim,
the judge may grant new urgent protective measures or review those already
granted, if deemed necessary for the protection of the victim, her relatives and
property, after having heard the opinion of the Public Prose-cutor.
Sole paragraph. The judge may revoke preventive custody if, in the course
of the proceedings, the judge finds that there is no reason to maintain it,
and decree it again if there are reasons to justify it.
Article 21. The victim shall be notified of the procedural acts related
to the perpetrator, especially those pertaining to their entry and exit from
prison, without detriment to the summons of the appointed attorney or the
public defender.
Sole paragraph. The victim may not deliver the summons or notification
to the perpetrator.
Section II
Urgent Protective Measures that Oblige the Perpetrator
Article 22. After the practice of domestic and family violence against a
woman has been established under the terms of this Law, the judge may
immedi-ately apply, together or separately, the following urgent protective
measures to the perpetrator, among others:
I - suspension of weapon ownership or restriction of carrying license for
a weapon, with communication to the authoritative entity, under the terms
of Law 10.826 of December 22, 2003;
II - removal from the home, domicile or place where the perpetrator
had a relation with the victim;
III - prohibition of certain types of conduct, including:
a) approaching the victim, her relatives and witnesses, establishing a
mini-mum distance between them and the perpetrator;
b) contact with the victim, her relatives and witnesses through any
means of communication;
c) frequenting certain places in order to preserve the physical and
psycho-logical integrity of the victim;
IV - restriction or suspension of visits to dependent minors, after hearing
from the multidisciplinary assistance team or similar service;
V - payment of provisional or provisional alimony.
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2nd Paragraph. In the event that item I is applied and the perpetrator is
found to be in the conditions mentioned in the caput and items in Art. 6 of
Law 10.826 of December 22, 2003, the judge shall notify the respective
entity, corporation or institution of the urgent protective measures granted
and shall determine a restriction on a license to carry a weapon, with the
perpetrator's immediate superior being responsible for complying with the
judicial determination, under penalty of committing the crimes of prevarica-
tion or disobedience, as the case may be.
4th Paragraph. The provisions of the caput and the 5th and 6th
paragraphs of art. 461 of Law No. 5.869 of January 11, 1973 (Code of
Civil Procedure) apply to the assumptions provided for in this article.
Section III
Urgent Protective Measures for the Victim
Article 23. The judge may, where necessary, without detriment to other
I - send the victim and her dependants to an official or community
program for protection or assistance;
II - determine the reappointment of the victim and her dependants to
their respective domicile after the perpetrator has been removed;
III - determine the victim's removal from the home, without the loss of
rights pertaining to property, child custody and alimony;
IV - determine a separation from bed and board.
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l Maria da Penha Law nº 11.340/2006 l
Article 24. For the asset protection of the marital society property or
of prop-erty owned by the woman, the judge may determine the following
measures, among others:
I - restitution of property that was improperly taken away by the
perpetrator to the victim;
II - temporary prohibition from signing acts and contracts for the
purchase, sale and leasing of property in common, unless expressly
authorized by the courts;
III - suspension of power of attorney conferred by the victim to the
IV - provision of a bid security, through a judicial deposit, for material
loss-es and damages resulting from the practice of domestic and family
vio-lence against the victim.
Sole paragraph. The judge shall officiate to the responsible notary office
for the purposes set forth in items II and III of this article.
Article 25. The Public Prosecutor will intervene, when not a party, in civil and
criminal cases that result from domestic and family violence against women.
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Article 27. In all procedural civil and criminal acts, a woman in situations
in-volving domestic and family violence shall be accompanied by an attorney,
except as established in art. 19 of this Law.
Article 29. The Courts of Domestic and Family Violence against Women that
are created may rely on a multidisciplinary assistance team that is com-posed
of professionals specialized in the psychosocial, legal and health fields.
Article 31. When the complexity of the case requires a more in-depth
evalua-tion, the judge may determine that a specialized professional be
called in, upon an indication by the multidisciplinary assistance team.
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Article 33. While the Courts of Domestic and Family Violence Against
Women are not structured, criminal courts will accumulate civil and criminal
jurisdic-tion to hear and judge the causes of domestic and family violence
against women, subject to the provisions outlined in Title IV of this Law,
subsidized by the relevant procedural legislation.
Article 34. The Courts of Domestic and Family Violence against Women
may be instituted along with the establishment of the necessary trusteeships
and legal aid services.
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Article 36. The Federal, States, Federal District and Municipalities shall
pro-mote the adaptation of their entities and programs to the guidelines
and principles of this Law.
Sole paragraph. The Public Security Secretariats for the States and the
Federal District may submit their criminal information to the Ministry of
Jus-tice's database.
Article 39. The Federal, States, Federal District and Municipalities, within
the limits of their jurisdictions and in accordance with their respective budget-
ary guidelines, may establish specific budget allocations for each financial year
in order to implement the measures established in this Law.
Article 40. The obligations set forth in this Law do not exclude others
that derive from the principles adopted by it.
Article 41. Law no. 9.099 of September 26, 1995 does not apply
to crimes committed with domestic and family violence against women,
regardless of the penalty provided.
Article 42. Art. 313 of Legal Decree No. 3.689 of October 3, 1941
(Code of Criminal Procedure), becomes effective with the addition of the
following item IV:
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Article 45. Article 152 of Law no. 7.210 of July 11, 1984 (Law of
Penal Execu-tion), becomes effective with the following language:
“Article 152. .................................................... Sole paragraph. In
the cases of domestic violence against women, the judge may determine the
perpetrator's obligatory attendance in recovery and re-education programs.”
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Article 46. This Law shall become effective 45 (forty-five) days after its
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