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PENULIS: LINDA CHRISTANTY Film " Playing Between Elephants " Seekor Pelanduk di antara Gajah Di aula itu berkumpul banyak orang. Geuchik atau kepala desa menyampaikan laporan penggunaan uang. Dari penjelasan geuchik, semua orang jadi... more
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      Development StudiesHumanitarianismCommunity DevelopmentEthnographic Film
This article is my retrospective account on the making of one of my testimonial documentaries, "Kameng Gampoeng Nyang Keunong Geulawa" (The Village Goat that Takes the Beating, 1999) which was commissioned by a human rights-defender NGO... more
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      SemioticsAnthropologyVisual StudiesVisual Anthropology
This paper describes a figure called Farid Husain who actively involves in the effort towards the peace of Aceh. This figure is believed to be very successful in playing his role upon searching for peace in Aceh, that he could bring peace... more
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      Islamic StudiesAcehnese historySejarah NusantaraConflict in Aceh
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      IndonesiaASEANAcehnese historyReformasi
This chapter analyses the neo-Sufi challenge by Abuya Shaykh Amran Waly and the Majelis Pengkajian Tauhid Tasawuf (MPTT), which I call the Tauhid Tasawuf movement, to official shariatisation by the state and shariatism in general.... more
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      Social MovementsSociology of ReligionSoutheast Asian StudiesPeace and Conflict Studies
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      Islamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic SchoolingIslamic StudiesAcehnese history
The end of the civil war in Aceh brought peace, but it has been of a predatory nature. As a moment of rupture, the peace revealed interests, powers and dynamics, and it offered an opportunity for their reconfiguration. When unrest ceased,... more
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      Agrarian ChangeIndonesiaPlantationsPalm Oil Plantation
Abstract Pat ujeun nyang hana pirang, pat prang nyang hana reuda (no rain that would not stop, no war that would not cease). “Aceh’s Proverb” Those words above explain the hope of Acehnese for sustainable peace after being... more
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      Civil SocietyPeacebuildingConflict in AcehAceh Post-conflict
Corporate public diplomacy is a business approach to collaborate, solve problems, and build longterm relationships with people living in foreign communities where transnational corporations invest. It is a supplement to other forms of... more
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      International RelationsPublic DiplomacyPublic RelationsConflict in Aceh
Anthropological analyses of post conflict narratives reveal how strategic interests mobilize to resolve or perpetuate conflict. Three years after the 2005 Helsinki peace agreement between the Government of Indonesia and the Free Aceh... more
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      NarrativePost-conflict Reconstruction and DevelopmentIndonesian StudiesIndonesia
This working paper critically examines the concept of ‘build back better’, and seeks to understand the aspirations, implications and resulting impact of the term on recovery and reconstruction in three disaster responses - the 2004 Indian... more
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      ResiliencePost-conflict Reconstruction and DevelopmentHaitiMyanmar
Cae Aceh merupakan jenis prosa lama walaupun ada juga pakar sastra yang menyatakan bahwa hikayat itu jenis puisi liris, karena tipografinya seperti syair dan bersajak.
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      Acehnese historyConflict in Aceh
Since Indonesia’s return to multiparty democracy in 1999, national law makers have introduced regulations that effectively ban ethnic or regionally based political parties. A major exception to the rule can be found in the province of... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesPolitical PartiesConflict
tsunami seolah menjadi titik nadir dimana GAM pada akhirnya melunak terhadap Pemerintah Indonesia setelah beberapa dekade memberikan perlawanan.
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      Political SociologyPoliticsFreedomConflict in Aceh
This paper, which is based upon the author’s experiences in Aceh from 2006 to 2010, illustrates the dangers inherent in disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) policies that allow for the transfer of reintegration assets... more
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      Political EconomyDevelopment StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesViolence
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    • Conflict in Aceh
Book chapter in Ikrar Nusa Bhakti (ed). (2008). Beranda Perdamaian Aceh Tiga Tahun Pasca MoU Helsinki (Verandah of Peace: 3rd Anniversary of Aceh Peace Post Helsinki MoU), Jakarta & Yogyakarta: P2P-LIPI and Pustaka Pelajar. pp 135-174.... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesIndonesian StudiesIndonesia
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      CommunicationPeace and Conflict StudiesPolitical communicationConflict in Aceh
In this article we propose a new typology for insurgent groups to explain why in such remarkably similar conflicts—Sri Lanka and Aceh—the impact of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami was so different. We argue that two principal factors shape... more
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      Sri LankaEthnic Conflict and Civil WarConflict in AcehArmed Groups
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflict ResolutionPeace and Conflict ResolutionDDR and SSR
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      ShariahConflict in Aceh
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      Conflict ResolutionIndonesian PoliticsAcehnese historyConflict in Aceh
Al-Attas adalah seorang cendikiawan muslim kontemporer telah banyak menulis buku dan monograf dalam bahasa Inggris maupun melayu, dan banyak yang telah diterjemahkan ke dalam lain seperti Bahasa Arab, Persia, Turki, Urdu, Prancis, Jerman,... more
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      EducationConflict in AcehIslamisasi Ilmu PengetahuanKonsep Pendidikan Menurut Syed Naquib Al Attas
The local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have a great role in shaping peacebuilding in Aceh, particularly in their relations with the Government (Local & National). Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore the strategies that... more
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      Conflict TransformationStrategyConflict in AcehCivil Society Organizations
According to historical perspective, the violence of conflict in Aceh killed more 15,000 and more than 50,000 had victimized by the situation of violence and conflict in Aceh, moreover, the devastation of tsunami put a great trauma for... more
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      MediationConflict Mediation StrategiesConflict in AcehMutually Hurting Stalemate Model
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      International RelationsMulticulturalismInternational LawHuman Rights
This topic will focus on how the religion could influence the post-conflict development in Aceh, Northern Indonesia. It will discuss the position and potency of religion in the conflict resolution with analysis how successful religion... more
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      Post-conflict Reconstruction and DevelopmentReligion, Conflict and PeacebuildingPeace and Religious ConflictsConflict in Aceh
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      Acehnese historyConflict in Aceh
After more than 20 years of sporadic separatist insurgency, the Free Aceh Movement and the Indonesian government signed an internationally brokered peace agreement in August 2005, just eight months after the Indian Ocean tsunami... more
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      PsychiatryHumanitarianismNarrativeTraumatic Brain Injury
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      International Relations TheoryPolitical TheoryContemporary Political PhilosophyPolitical Islam
Introduction to the volume
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      AnthropologySoutheast Asian StudiesCambodiaIndonesia
In this article, I address whether activities meant to improve land tenure security may have supported or undermined peace-building during the postwar stabilization and transition period of 2005–2008. In 2005, the population of Aceh... more
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      Land tenurePeacebuildingLegal GeographyConflict in Aceh
The authors researched the successes, failures, and overall sustainability of projects utilizing community- based approaches and Community-Driven Development methodologies in select areas of Aceh Utara and Bener Meriah, especially with... more
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      Development StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesCommunity Engagement & ParticipationCommunity Development
This chapter examines some overlooked connections between property administration and violent conflict. Specifically, it examines how policy narratives concerning property and tenure security affected the design and success of... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesLand tenureLand AdministrationPeacebuilding
This article asseses security progress in Aceh (2005-2015) after the signing of the Helsinki MoU between the Indonesian government and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) in 2005. In examining the progress, this paper employs... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesSecurityIndonesian Studies
In this paper, the possibilities for creating a peaceful society amidst an ongoing conflict between the state and ethno-based secessionist movement are explored. The cases of the Philippines and Indonesia, specifically the Moros and... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPhilippinesConflict ResolutionThe Moros Of Mindanao In Southern Philippines
This is english translated version of my Book chapter 'Transformasi Gerakan Aceh Merdeka' in Ikrar Nusa Bhakti (ed). (2008). Beranda Perdamaian Aceh Tiga Tahun Pasca MoU Helsinki (Verandah of Peace: 3rd Anniversary of Aceh Peace Post... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesIndonesian StudiesIndonesia
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      GeographyHuman GeographyPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial Identity
Although Indonesia is not an Islamic state, it uniquely granted the province of Aceh permission to officially implement sharia law in 2001. This was an effort to win over the Aceh people, who are known to be deeply religious Muslims,... more
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      Sociology of ReligionIslamic LawSoutheast Asian StudiesReligion and Politics
This report examines factions within the former rebel movement GAM and its political party, Partai Aceh. It notes how the old diaspora elite is losing influence, with control over resources and institutions mattering more than closeness... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesIndonesiaAcehnese historyPost-Conflict Reconciliation
The passing of Law No. 18 of 2001 on ‘Special Autonomy for the Province of Aceh Special Region as the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam’ signified a major development in the Indonesian government’s strategy to resolve Aceh’s protracted... more
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      LawInternational RelationsMulticulturalismInternational Law
The Free Aceh Movement (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka, hereafter GAM) fought the Government of Indonesia (hereafter GoI), in numerous discrete phases of conflict and retreat, from 1976 until the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between... more
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      Development StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesViolenceCommunity Development
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      Balkan StudiesKurdish StudiesOttoman StudiesPost-Conflict State Building
Panarchy theory has been utilized to first conceptualize the entrenched conflict that lasted for nearly 30 years between Aceh and Indonesia and second, the development of peace prior to and shortly following the tsunami of 2004. The... more
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      GeographyInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesInternational Development
Jane's Intelligence Review. July 2008
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      IndonesiaPolitical ViolenceIndonesia (Area Studies)local politics in Indonesia
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesIndonesiaElections and Voting BehaviorAcehnese history
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesIndonesiaForeign AidConflict in Aceh
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      Southeast Asian StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesIndonesian StudiesIndonesia
Much international development assistance has been delivered in the form of statebuilding interventions over the past 20 years, especially in post-conflict or fragile states. The apparent failure of many international statebuilding... more
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      International RelationsDevelopment StudiesInternational Political EconomyIndonesia