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Dipartimento di Informatica
Gruppo di Ricerca Operativa

Giandomenico Mastroeni


Dipartimento di Informatica
Largo B. Pontecorvo, 3
56127 Pisa

Tel. (39) (050) 2212 708
Fax. (39) (050) 2212 224

  • e-mail: giandomenico.mastroeni@unipi.it

  • Curriculum

  • Scientific publications

  • Didattica. Corsi: Modelli Matematici Ambientali, Optimization Methods and Game Theory.

    Main Scientific Publications.

    1. P.H. Dien, G. Mastroeni, M. Pappalardo and P.H. Quang (1994), Regularity conditions for constrained extremum problems via image space: the nonlinear case; Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 80, pp. 19-37.

    2. G. Mastroeni and M. Pappalardo and N.D. Yen (1994), Image of a parametric optimization problem and continuity of the perturbation function; Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 81, pp. 193-202.

    3. P.H. Dien, G. Mastroeni, M. Pappalardo and P.H. Quang (1994), Regularity conditions for constrained extremum problems via image space: the linear case; in "Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems", Vol. 405, pp. 145-152.

    4. G. Mastroeni (1994), Some relations between duality theory for extremum problems and variational inequalities; Le Matematiche, Vol. XLIX, pp. 295-304.

    5. M. Castellani and G. Mastroeni (1995), On the duality theory for finite dimensional variational inequalities; in "Variational Inequalities and Network Equilibrium Problems", F. Giannessi & A. Maugeri (ed.s), Plenum Publishing Co., pp. 21-31.

    6. M. Castellani, G. Mastroeni and M. Pappalardo (1996), On regularity for generalized systems and applications; in "Nonlinear Optimization and Applications", G. Di Pillo & F. Giannessi (ed.s), Plenum Publishing Co., pp. 13-26.

    7. M. Castellani, G. Mastroeni and M. Pappalardo (1997), Separation of sets, Lagrange multipliers and totally regular extremum problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 92, pp. 249-261.

    8. G. Mastroeni and M. Pappalardo (1997), Separation and regularity in the image space; in "New Trends in Mathematical Programming", Giannessi, Komlosi and Rapcsak (eds), pp.181-190.

    9. M. Castellani, J.M. Jama and G. Mastroeni (1997), Duality relations for variational inequalities with applications to network flows; Proceedings of the Workshop "Equilibrium Problems with Side Constraints. Lagrangean Theory and Duality II", Scilla (RC), May 17-18, 1996.

    10. G. Mastroeni (1998), Some remarks on a minimax formulation of a variational inequality; Proceedings of the Workshop "Minimax Theory and Applications", B.Ricceri and S. Simons (eds), Kluwer, pp.157-166.

    11. G.Mastroeni (1999), Minimax and Extremum Problems Associated to a Variational Inequality, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, Vol. 58, pp. 185-196.

    12. G.Mastroeni (1999), Some Remarks on the Role of Generalized Convexity in the Theory of Variational Inequalities, in "Generalized Convexity and Optimization for Economic and Financial Decisions", G. Giorgi and F. Rossi (eds), Pitagora, Bologna, pp. 271-281.

    13. G.Mastroeni and M.Pappalardo (1999), On the Existence of Solutions to Vector Optimization Problems, Pubblicazione del Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata dell'Universit\`a di Pisa n. 1999/13.

    14. F.Giannessi, G.Mastroeni and L.Pellegrini (2000), On the Theory of Vector Optimization and Variational Inequalities. Image Space Analysis and Separation, in "Vector Variational Inequalities and Vector Equilibria. Mathematical Theories", F.Giannessi (ed), Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 153-216.

    15. G.Mastroeni (2000), On Minty Vector Variational Inequality, in "Vector Variational Inequalities and Vector Equilibria. Mathematical Theories", F.Giannessi (ed), Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 351-362.

    16. G.Mastroeni (2000), Separation Methods for Vector Variational Inequalities. Saddle point and Gap Function, in "Nonlinear Optimization and Related Topics", G.Di Pillo and F.Giannessi (eds), Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 207-218.

    17. G.Mastroeni and T.Rapcsack (2000), On Convex Generalized Systems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,, Vol. 104, pp. 605-627.

    18. G.Mastroeni (2001), On the Extremization of Linear Integrals, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 109, pp. 521-538.

    19. G.Mastroeni (2001), Application of an Extremization Method to a Linear Integral of a Statistical Decision Problem, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 109, pp. 538-556.

    20. F. Giannessi, G. Mastroeni and A. Uderzo (2002), A multifunction approach to extremum problems having infinite dimensional image. Necessary conditions for unilateral constraints, Cibernetics and System Analysis, 2002, N. 3, pp. 39-51.

    21. G. Mastroeni (2002), A Markov chain model for traffic equilbrium problems, Rairo Operations Research, Vol. 36, pp.209-226.

    22. G. Mastroeni (2003) , On auxiliary principle for equilibrium problems,in "Equilibrium problems and variational models",P. Daniele, F. Giannessi and A. Maugeri (Ed.s), pp.289-298, Kluwer.

    23. G. Mastroeni (2003), Gap functions for equilibrium problems, Journal of Global Optimization,Vol. 27,pp. 411-426.

    24. G. Mastroeni, M. Pappalardo (2004), A variational model for equilibrium problems in a traffic network. RAIRO Oper. Res. 38, no. 1, 3--12.

    25. F. Giannessi, G. Mastroeni, A. Uderzo (2004), On necessary conditions for infinite-dimensional extremum problems. J. Global Optim. 28, no. 3-4, 319--337.

    26. G. Mastroeni (2005), Gap functions and descent methods for Minty variational inequality. Optimization and control with applications, 529--547, Appl. Optim., 96, Springer, New York.

    27. G. Mastroeni, L. Pellegrini (2005). On the image space analysis for vector variational inequalities. J. Ind. Manag. Optim. 1, no. 1, 123--132.

    28. G.Mastroeni (2006), A variational approach for minimum cost flow problems, in "Large Scale Nonlinear Optimization", G.Di Pillo and M. Roma (eds), Springer, pp. 211-222.

    29. L. C. Ceng,, G. Mastroeni, J.C. Yao (2007). An inexact proximal-type method for the generalized variational inequality in Banach spaces, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Art. ID 78124.

    30. K. Madani, G. Mastroeni, A. Moldovan (2007). Constrained extremum problems with infinite dimensional image: selection and necessary conditions. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 135, pp. 37-53.

    31. K. Madani, G. Mastroeni, A. Moldovan (2008). Constrained extremum problems with infinite dimensional image: selection and saddle point. Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 40, pp. 197-208.

    32. L. C. Ceng,, G. Mastroeni, J.C. Yao (2008). Existence of solutions and variational principles for generalized vector systems. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 137, pp. 485-496.

    33. F. Flores-Bazan,G. Mastroeni, Strong duality in cone constrained nonconvex optimization, SIAM J. Optim. 23 (2013), 153-169.

    34. G. Mastroeni, M. Pappalardo and M. Passacantando, Merit functions: a bridge between optimization and equilibria. 4OR 12 (2014), no. 1, 1-33.

    35. F. Flores-Bazan, A. Jourani and G. Mastroeni, On the convexity of the value function for a class of nonconvex variational problems: existence and optimality conditions. SIAM J. Control Optim. 52 (2014), no. 6, 3673-3693.

    36. F. Flores-Bazan, G. Mastroeni, Characterizing FJ and KKT conditions in nonconvex mathematical programming with applications. SIAM J. Optim. 25 (2015), no. 1, 647-676.

    37. F. Flores-Bazan, G. Mastroeni, C. Vera, Proper or weak efficiency via saddle point conditions in cone-constrained nonconvex vector optimization problems. J. Optim. Theory Appl. 181 (2019), no. 3, 787-816.

    38. G. Mastroeni, M. Pappalardo, F. Raciti, Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems and Variational Inequalities in Lebesgue Spaces. Minimax Theory Appl. 2 (2020), 47--64.

    39. G. Mastroeni, M. Pappalardo, F. Raciti, Some topics in vector optimization via image space analysis, J. Nonlinear Var. Anal. 4 (2020), 5-20.

    40. J. Li, G. Mastroeni, Convex Analysis in Z^n and Applications to Integer Linear Programming, SIAM J. Optim. 30 (2020), no. 4, 2809-2840.

    41. G. Mastroeni,F. Flores Bazan, First and second order optimality conditions for quadratically constrained quadratic programming problems, J. Optim. Theory Appl. 193(2022), no. 1-3, 118-138.

    42. J. Li, G. Mastroeni, Optimization problems with cone constraints in groups and semigroups: an approach based on image space analysis, J. Optim. Theory Appl. 196(2023), no. 3, 973-1007.


    Orario di ricevimento: su appuntamento, Dipartimento di Informatica, Largo B. Pontecorvo 3, stanza 347

    Informazioni e materiale didattico relativo ai corsi

    Modelli Matematici Ambientali

    Optimization methods and game theory

    Ricerca Operativa (Ingegneria Gestionale)

  • Modelli Matematici Ambientali

  • Registro delle lezioni 2022/23

    Testi di esame

  • Prova in itinere del 21 Marzo 2016

  • Esame del 8 Giugno 2016

  • Esame del 6 Luglio 2016

  • Esame del 13 Settembre 2016

  • Esame del 12 Giugno 2017

  • Esame del 11 Luglio 2017

  • Esame del 12 Settembre 2017

  • Esame del 14 Febbraio 2018

  • Esame del 12 Giugno 2018

  • Esame del 4 Luglio 2018

    Appunti delle lezioni

    Il materiale didattico aggiornato relativo alle lezioni dell'a.a. 2022-23 si trova nella piattaforma Teams del corso di Modelli Matematici Ambientali (587AA-22/23)

  • Introduzione ai modelli

  • Modelli su grafi

  • Algoritmi per la programmazione lineare: il metodo del simplesso

  • Richiami sulle equazioni differenziali

  • Dinamiche di crescita

  • Il modello preda predatore

    Optimization methods and game theory

    Il materiale didattico aggiornato relativo alle lezioni dell'a.a. 2022-23 si trova nella piattaforma Teams del corso: Optimization methods and game theory (696AA-22/23)

    Registro delle lezioni

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