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      EthnohistoryMexican StudiesMesoamerican EthnohistoryMexican Literature
La Malinche, the female consort of Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés, is one of the most reviled (and misunderstood) individuals in history. Combining art historical, ethnohistorical, and archaeological arguments this paper will... more
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      History of Colonial MexicoMesoamerican EthnohistoryCholula
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyCeramics (Archaeology)Cholula
The Great Pyramid of Cholula is both the largest and oldest continuously occupied building in Mesoamerica. Initial occupation of the ceremonial precinct began in the Late Formative period, and the first building stage of the Pyramid... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyCholula
" Colonial chroniclers marveled at the quality and variety of textiles produced at the Postclassic center of Cholula. As a principal market center, textiles were produced for tribute and exchange while other woven goods were manufactured... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyTextile ArchaeologyGender ArchaeologySpindle Whorls
In 'Time and the Ancestors: Aztec and Mixtec Ritual Art', Maarten Jansen and Aurora Pérez present new interpretations of enigmatic masterpieces from ancient Mexico. Combining iconographical analysis with the study of archaeological... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyAztec ArtIndigenous PeoplesOaxaca (Anthropology)
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      Pueblos De IndiosCatolicismoCholula
The famous Toltec historical figure Nacxitl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl, in Yucatan known as Kukulcan and referred to as Nacxit in the Popol Vuh, appears in Mixtec historical codices and Lienzos of the Coixtlahuaca Valley as Lord 4 Jaguar,... more
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      ToltecMixtec CodicesPostclassic MayaPopol Vuh
In October of 1519, Hernán Cortés ordered his conquistadores to attack assembled Cholulteca indians in the main plaza of their city, resulting in one of the key events (and greatest tragedies) of the Spanish conquest of New Spain. The... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyHistory of Colonial Mexico
Mudejar Art, the architectural style that emerged in Spain during the Reconquista, is relatively common in Spanish Colonial architecture in America, but it was merely an echo of the contemporary buildings constructed in Spain during the... more
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      Colonial AmericaIslamic' ArchitectureColonial ArchitectureMudéjar Art and Architecture
El carnaval es una expresión cultural «territorializada» que emerge socialmente desde donde se habita, por lo que no sorprende la coexistencia de distintas maneras de hacer carnaval, las cuales están en función de la organización social,... more
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      Antropología SocialCARNAVALPueblaCholula
Creo que la mayor parte de mi vida he vivido acompañado de personas ajenas a mi familia. Esto es, de una u otra manera siempre acompañado de los famosos roommates o compañeros de habitación o compañeros de departamento. En la Ciudad de... more
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      New York historyMexican MigrationParanormalMexico (Anthropology)
Fifty years ago when the Tula/Chichén Itzá debate was formalized at the Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología Mesa Redonda, the relationship between the two great centers was an enigma. Now, after five decades of intensive research at the two... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyCholula
Ensayo incluido en el libro "En busca del quelite perdido: recetario viviente para Cholula," resultado del proyecto del mismo nombre que se llevó a cabo a lo largo de 2015 con apoyo del Programa de Fomento a Proyectos y Coinversiones... more
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      Movimientos socialesPatrimonio gastronómicoQuelitesPatrimonio cultural inmaterial
The purpose of this paper is to build on Reyes García’s excellent ethnohistorical study with archaeological and art historical evidence, in order to more fully explore the concept of the ‘water-mountain.’ In doing so, I will argue that... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyCholula
Field school students under the supervision of Daniel Wolfman excavated a series of domestic features on the outskirts of the Cholula urban center in 1968; these were analyzed as part of my PhD dissertation and remain the most extensive... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyCholula
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      Mexican StudiesMexican ArtAztec Art, Religion, & Politics before and after the conquestCholula
Información del artículo El Códice de Cholula: nuevos enfoques de estudio.
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      CodicologyCholulaMexican Codices
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      AztecsAztec ArtNew SpainAztec Art, Religion, & Politics before and after the conquest
Territorio y conflicto
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      Conflictos SocialesTerritorioCholula
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In 'Time and the Ancestors: Aztec and Mixtec Ritual Art', Maarten Jansen and Aurora Pérez present new interpretations of enigmatic masterpieces from ancient Mexico. Combining iconographical analysis with the study of archaeological... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyAztec ArtIndigenous PeoplesOaxaca (Anthropology)
How is Teotihuacan influence represented, and what does the emulation of its style imply? The answers to these questions depend on the variable nature of this city’s extraterritorial interests and the levels of engagement it was able to... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyTeotihuacanCholula
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyAztecsMaya ArchaeologyMaya Art
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      Tourism StudiesGentrificationTurismoTurismo Gastronómico
La ciudad de Cholula, México, es un escenario sociocultural constituido por dos cabeceras municipales (San Pedro y San Andrés), sin embargo, en términos de la traza urbana es un solo asentamiento. Los límites físicos entre ambas, lo... more
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      Identidad étnicaCholula
San Andrés Cholula
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      Pueblos De IndiosCholula
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyCholula
The study of obsidian from consumer sites of the Early Classic Period (A.D. 100 – 450) in Central Mexico outside of the Basin of Mexico has few antecedents, and the site of Cholula is no exception. This study attempts to partially fill in... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyTeotihuacanLithic AnalysisObsidian Sourcing
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      ReligionCosmovisionEtnographyAntropología cultural
Discusión de la relación entre espacio y cultura en virtud de que la interconexión existente entre barrio y lo barrial es la misma que concurre entre lengua y habla....
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      CholulaHistoria de BarriosFiestas patronales en Yucatán
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyTextile ArchaeologySpindle WhorlsCholula
Esta obra propone una vía de análisis del mercado-tianguis como una institución económica sociocultural diversa. Se estudia los constructos humanos de quienes utilizan el mercado-tianguis de Santiago Mixquitla, Cholula, de los... more
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      MercadosAntropología SocialInvestigacion De MercadosFamilia
San Pedro Cholula, y en general toda la región de las Cholulas, ofrecen una oportunidad para observar las interacciones entre los aspectos locales o “tradicionales” y los globales, como los procesos de gentrifiación y la inserción de... more
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      JóvenesPueblaFiestas ReligiosasCholula
Resumen En este artículo presentamos la caracterización del conflicto que sucede actualmente en Cholula, Puebla, México; hablando de sus antecedentes, historia, organización política y algunos referentes y de las... more
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      Social MovementsSocial PsychologyCultural HeritageCivil Rights
Los documentos que aquí presentamos son un obsequio generoso del fiscal Miguel Ángel Ramírez Cuautle y el teniente de fiscal Isidro Jiménez Martínez, de la iglesia de San Francisco Acatepec, quienes con gran responsabilidad y en un gesto... more
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      CholulaCongregaciónReparto de tierras
Cholula (Puebla, Mexico), an ancient pre-Hispanic city, since 1971 is home to UDLAP, Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Over the years, the presence of UDLAP has deeply affected the fabric of the city, transforming a once rural center... more
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      Spatial SociologySpatial dynamics and Urban coreCholulaArchitecture and Urban Sociology
This is the very first study that examines the contents of the codex Egerton 2895 (Sanchez Solís) by means of a page by page reading. The first three pages provide an introduction into the dynastic story, a mythic place of birth and... more
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      MesoamericaMixtecan LanguagesMixtec CodicesBritish Museum
Se describen algunos de los
rasgos particulares que asume el sistema de cargos en
la región de Cholula, así como una propuesta teórica para
el análisis de las prácticas sociales en dicho territorio
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      Pierre BourdieuBourdieuPierre Bourdieu and symbolic violenceCholula
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)Cholula
"As the center for the religious cult of Quetzalcoatl, Cholula played a prominent role in shaping events of central Mexico's Postclassic period. Yet confusion over historical events in Cholula itself have limited its place in recent... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)Cholula
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      EthnohistoryMexican StudiesNew SpainCholula
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      PueblaCholulaConflictos TerritorialesCrecimiento Urbano
An illustrated public lecture about the history and symbolism of the Great Pyramid of Cholula. The conference was in support of opposition to the planned development of a tourist theme park on the 'protected' archaeological zone around... more
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      Cultural HeritageMesoamerican ArchaeologyCholulaGreat Pyramid of Cholula
As archaeology becomes more inclusive in terms of considering different social identities, one major segment of society that is only just being recognized is children. Making up approximately half of the population at any given time,... more
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      Archaeology of GenderMesoamerican ArchaeologyArchaeology of ChildhoodGender Archaeology
An examination of rotating power structures within a Pre-Columbian ceremonial center from the perspective of continuities with comparable systems that continued at Cholula through the Colonial period to the present day.
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyMesoamerican ReligionCholula