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Over the recent decades, a close relationship among linguistics, translation, and ideology has drawn the attention of many linguists and translators. The researches reveal that both source text (ST) and target text (TT) embody hidden... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEnglish LiteratureCritical Discourse StudiesTranslation Studies
This article analyzes language ideologies with regard to sign language in Adamorobe, a “shared signing community” in southern Ghana. Adamorobe Sign Language (AdaSL) is a “shared sign language,” used by all deaf people and a large number... more
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      Deaf studiesLanguage and IdeologySign LanguagesLanguage Ideology
This paper presents a critical review of three theoretical perspectives on language maintenance (LM) and language shift (LS) in minority language contexts. These three perspectives are (1) LS and subtractive bilingualism, (2) reversing LS... more
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      Practice theoryPostmodernismLanguage IdeologyMinority Languages
Премия Просветитель
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      SociologyRussian StudiesRussian LiteratureAnthropology
From "Language in the Trump Era: Scandals and Emergencies," eds. Janet McIntosh and Norma Mendoza-Denton, Cambridge University Press, 2020.
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      American PoliticsLinguistic AnthropologyLanguage and GenderLanguage and Ideology
This study investigates the way in which speech varieties are employed in animated films in the Netherlands. In part, it is a response to the work of Rosina Lippi-Green (1997; 2012) who has examined in detail the language practices of... more
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      Media StudiesSociolinguisticsLanguage IdeologyPerceptual Dialectology
In the Marxist perspective in general, and in Althusser's ideas in particular, every individual is controlled by the society's dominant ideology and its apparatuses called Ideological State Apparatuses and Repressive State Apparatuses.... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureDiscourse AnalysisComparative Literature
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      Psychological AnthropologyEpistemologyLiteracyMimesis
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      RitualGender and SexualityLanguage and IdeologyFuneral Practices
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      LiteracyArabic Language and LinguisticsMoroccan StudiesLanguage Ideology
In this Occasional Paper, I would like to emphasise one way in which language ideological issues permeate literary discourse in Scotland. Focusing on issues related to Scots, I will analyse two (in my view complementary) introductions to... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguagesLanguage revitalizationLanguages and Linguistics
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyGender StudiesSex and Gender
Benedict Anderson’s great work, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (Anderson 1983; hereafter IC) has been hailed as the “best known single work in nationalism studies” (Breuilly 2016: 625). His work... more
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      Cultural StudiesAnthropological LinguisticsLanguages and LinguisticsPragmatics
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      Discourse AnalysisNational IdentityCritical Discourse AnalysisMedia Framing
Most postcolonial societies make use of the language(s) of the former colonial power(s) and, additionally, of one or several local or Creole languages. This article analyses the complex linguistic relationships within postcolonial... more
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      Language Planning and PolicyLanguage and IdeologyPidgins & CreolesPost-Colonialism
Iceland is as an extraordinary language environment. Centuries of linguistic homogeneity and relative language stability lead Icelanders today to boast that their language is, by and large, that of their ancient Norwegian ancestors. The... more
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      SociolinguisticsLinguistic AnthropologyLanguage Planning and PolicyEnglish
The notion of the "phatic" is less a single empirical object than two tangled threads of inquiry, separable into communion phaticity and contact phaticity. The former sense is a shorthand for "small talk" aimed at building relations... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesLinguistic AnthropologyAttention
This chapter discusses language policies in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), including the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR since 1997) and Taiwan. The term “Greater China” refers to these three territories.... more
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      SociolinguisticsChinaLanguage IdeologyLanguage Policy
It has been predicted that, by the end of the XXI century, approximately half of 7000 World languages will be extinct (Austin and Sallabank 2014, 2). Some more pessimistic sources provide an extinction rate by the end of the century up to... more
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      Latin American StudiesLanguage revitalizationIndigenous LanguagesLanguage Ideology
In this study, I researched on the concept of the native speaker and its application to Singaporeans. In doing so, I am also examining language ideologies as what people think about languages ultimately leads to their personal definition... more
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      SingaporeLanguage IdeologyNative Speaker
Although previous work on sexist linguistic structures has identified the causes of sexism in language as stemming from an androcentric world view, it has not described the social and semiotic processes involved in the historic production... more
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      Language IdeologyQueer LinguisticsGrammatical GenderSexist Language
Dans cette contribution, il s'agira de comprendre comment, à travers le temps, les idées linguistiques ont servi à instaurer de nouvelles divisions de l'espace, géographique ainsi que culturel et sociopolitique, pourquoi, pour qui et dans... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsLanguage Planning and Policy
Celtic Sociolinguistics Symposium 2018, NUI Galway Proponents of the 'new speaker' concept have heralded a shift away from language learning ideologies that focus on emulation of native-speaker models, which they describe as... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionCornish LanguageCeltic StudiesIrish linguistics
In the paper, I argue the political process of standardization of Montenegrin Language and its effect to ethnic differentiation in post-Yugoslav Montenegro. The standardization of Montenegrin Language was started as a project of few... more
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      Language Planning and PolicyLanguage Policy and Politics of IdentityLanguage IdeologyLanguage Policy
In this article, I argue that census language questions, policies and ideologies are intertwined and mutually reinforcing. Thus, analyses of census language questions must examine the specific policies for which language statistics are... more
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      Language Planning and PolicyLanguage and IdeologyLanguage Policy and Politics of IdentityLanguage Ideology
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisPsychoanalysisHuman Evolution
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      Anthropological Linguistics (Languages And Linguistics)Native American Literature (Literature)Language IdeologyEthnopoetics
Ce texte aborde les discriminations ou les stigmatisations suscitées par un accent « régional » en France. L’analyse porte sur des commentaires épilinguistiques recueillis lors d’observations de terrain et dans des entretiens... more
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      French LiteratureSociolinguisticsDiscriminationLanguage Ideology
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      Discourse AnalysisEducationLanguages and LinguisticsSociolinguistics
Darija - a lingua-franca- is developing in Morocco. This paper explores what Darija is in the political and social context in Morocco, what it threatens, and what role it plays. This essay is simply a research process and should be... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisPolitical SociologyInternational Relations Theory
This chapter points to the exciting possibilities that emerge when we shift from viewing marginalized communities as static objects of academic analysis to dynamic sites of collaborative knowledge production. In order to do so, it... more
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      EducationLanguages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsLinguistic Anthropology
Over the last several decades a robust language ideologies literature has forged new paths in the study of relations between social and linguistic structures. Rather than viewing ideas about language as epiphenomena of marginal importance... more
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      SemioticsPolitical EconomyOntologyLanguages and Linguistics
For the past two decades or so, the world has witnessed the global craze of learning Chinese as foreign language and the mushrooming of Confucius Institutes through the efforts of promotion of the Chinese government. By the end of 2010,... more
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      Chinese StudiesCorpus LinguisticsCritical Discourse AnalysisLanguage Ideology
Даследуецца развіццё беларускай літаратурнай мовы 1920–1930-х гг. у яго сувязях з развіццём прэскрыптыўнага адгалінавання беларускай лінгвістыкі. З выкарыстаннем матэрыялаў перыядычнага друку і архіваў аналізуюцца акалічнасці фарміравання... more
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      Slavic LanguagesBelarusian StudiesLinguistic stylisticsLanguage Ideology
This article introduces an approach to ideologies of texts and of categories of text type for approaching the emic conceptions of things made of language or other kinds of signs. Finno-Karelian incantations of the ritual specialist known... more
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      ReligionMythology And FolkloreCultural StudiesAnthropology
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      MulticulturalismMultilingualismNationalismLanguage Ideology
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguage IdeologyStance
Las ideologías panhispánicas fo-mentadas por las instituciones académicas construyen el marco de un español general cohesionado y homogéneo que garantiza el entendimiento entre diferentes comu-nidades lingüísticas, frente a las múltiples... more
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      SociolinguisticsLanguage and IdeologyLanguage IdeologyLanguage Attitudes
In this article, we carry out an ethnographically informed sociolinguistic analysis of language use in contemporary Danish rap. We contextualize our analytical observations by drawing on knowledge from interviews with stakeholders from... more
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      IdeologyLanguage IdeologyHip-Hop/RapLinguistic ethnography
Ce mini-mémoire de Master, rendu dans le cadre d'un séminaire d'histoire de la langue, s'intéresse aux enjeux de la promotion brutale du tutoiement pendant la Révolution française, et élargit la réflexion aux sphères idéologique,... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsFrench RevolutionLanguage and IdeologyXVIII century
A major assumption of critical applied linguistics has been that changing the language attitudes of individual teachers will lead to the development of more linguistically responsive classrooms. Yet, despite decades of such efforts,... more
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      EducationLanguages and LinguisticsTeacher EducationSociolinguistics
The increasing dominance of English has given rise to various language attitudes and government measures attempting to curb the influence of English on the first language. France is a paradigmatic case of language planning and language... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionSociolinguisticsLanguage Planning and PolicyLanguage Policy and Politics of Identity
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionRace and RacismCritical Race Theory
The thesis of this essay is that linguistic anthropology is not the study of language. Rather, " language " functions as a permanently problematic, if indispensable, object for linguistic anthropological analysis and thought. This is... more
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      SemioticsLinguistic AnthropologyLanguage and IdeologyAuthenticity
Afterlives and Other Lives is an ethnography of Ukraine on the eve of the Maidan Revolution, and during the first several months following its climax, as the country descended into war (autumn 2012–autumn 2014). Grounded in a study of... more
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      SemioticsRussian StudiesSoviet HistoryLinguistic Anthropology
Bringing together the varied and multifaceted expertise of teachers and linguists in one accessible volume, this book presents practical tools, grounded in cutting-edge research, for teaching about language and language diversity in the... more
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      Teacher EducationDialects of EnglishInquiry Based LearningEnglish Language Arts
This is an unpublished chapter of my dissertation (2003) about language teaching (and learning), aesthetics, and language ideology in Beijing, China, associated with the early 'Education for Quality' (suzhi jiaoyu) reform movement.
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      AestheticsLanguage IdeologyCritical Literacy StudiesContemporary China
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      Critical TheoryLiteracyMultilingualismMulti- & Bilingualism & Biliteracy
Ideology in translation is a controversial topic because of the discrepancy between two main aspects: the "ideology of translation" and the "translation of ideology". The former examines the interference of the translator in the process... more
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      Translation StudiesIdeology StudiesTranslation and IdeologyMachine Translation
In this article, I intend to concentrate on one type of process by which Scots has found new legitimation as a language, and how discourses surrounding the issue of Scots might seek to contribute to the creation of a new Scottish society.... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguagesHistoryAnthropology