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This paper highlights inception with immense importance of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) policy to promote the concept of best practices benchmarking. The Benchmarking is an increasingly popular tool applied in... more
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      Higher EducationTechnology-mediated teaching and learningTotal Quality Management (TQM)Biomedical Instrumentation
As technology evolves and the society we live in changes, so do the ways we learn and engage with information. A challenge faced by higher education is to find new ways to engage students and diversify the voices represented in curricula.... more
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      Educational TechnologyLearning and TeachingPodcastingTechnology-mediated teaching and learning
Mobile devices have been utilized as an emerging learning tool in the 21st century to support the learning of chemistry. This study aimed to identify matriculation students' learning experience with regards to the use of mobile devices... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducational TechnologyMobile LearningTechnology-mediated teaching and learning
Franco's television programming has not been studied with great detail. We can only highlight the rigorous work of Palacio and Baget who deeply explain the origins of spanish television. In this context, sports programming has gone... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer TheoryTechnology-mediated teaching and learningSpanish film history
The paper describes the findings from a study of students' use and experience of technologies. A series of in-depth case studies were carried out across four subject disciplines, with data collected via survey, audio logs and interviews.... more
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      Educational TechnologyHigher EducationCurriculum StudiesTechnology-mediated teaching and learning
More than 300 million people use the gamified mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) application (app) Duolingo. The challenging tasks, reward incentives, systematic levels, and the ranking of users according to their achievements are... more
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      PsychologyEducational TechnologyComputer Assisted Language LearningEducational Psychology
The present study was an attempt to explore the vocabulary learning strategy preferences among Iranian EFL learners. It also investigated the relationship between their vocabulary learning strategy use and vocabulary size. To this end, 90... more
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      English LiteratureTeaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second LanguageScholarship of Teaching and Learning
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      Museum StudiesMuseum EducationDigital Media & LearningTechnology-mediated teaching and learning
This paper explores a sample of data collected from a UNICEF Eastern Caribbean rapid assessment on teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in eight countries. The primary investigation method was mixed and captured data from... more
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      Teaching and LearningBlended E-LearningLearning and TeachingEducational Equity and Justice
In the latter half of the 1990s the digital image became prevalent, easy to manipulate, and consequently, easy to recontextualize, meaning that now just about any image is available to any computer user for any occasion. To use Bolter's... more
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      TechnologyNew MediaComposition and RhetoricDigital Humanities
The diversity of recently emerging EdTech platforms are beyond limit and their players makes it thus difficult to define a universal business model for online education. In fact, there is no “one-fits-all” business model and all options... more
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      Educational TechnologyE-learningInternational BusinessHistory of Education
The quality of teaching technique employed by the teacher basically influence student's interest and learning outcome. In recent times, it has become obvious that the conventional learning pattern can no longer meet the need of digital... more
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      Museum learningMobile LearningMachine LearningManagement Learning
This article argues that models for the integration of ICT in teacher training should be based on a holistic understanding of digital literacy that considers the ongoing change in knowledge production, management and consumptions... more
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      Digital LiteracyDigital CultureTeachers' professional developmentTechnology-mediated teaching and learning
Περίληψη Ένα νέο πεδίο που διευκολύνει την εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία και βελτιώνει την απόδοση των εκπαιδευομένων, προσελκύει τα τελευταία χρόνια τους εκπαιδευτικούς αναλυτές και ερευνητές. Είναι τα learning analytics (LA) που αφορούν τη... more
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      Teaching and LearningDigital Media & LearningTechnology-mediated teaching and learningLearning Analytics
Esports has generated an industry of increasing economic and cultural importance. In recent years, universities and other higher education institutions have responded to its growth by establishing programmes of study which aim to satisfy... more
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      EducationHigher EducationLearning and TeachingVideo Games
This mixed-methods study investigated the ability of motion-based video games (MBVG) to motivate adoption of authentic wall/rock climbing. The study also explored participants’ perceptions of MBVG and authentic wall/rock climbing.... more
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      PsychologyPerceptionVideo GamesTechnology-mediated teaching and learning
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      Higher EducationStudent Motivation And EngagementTechnology-mediated teaching and learning
Articolul studiază tendinţele de evoluţie a sistemului pedagogic către sistemul educaţional de tip deschis. Se constată că în sistemul educaţional de tip deschis acţionează alte legităţi şi principii care pun în valoare educatul şi... more
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      EducationPhilosophy of EducationMathematics EducationLearning and Teaching
School is a place for students to study. We often encounter in the classroom there are many students who are less enthusiastic in class learning and are less responsive to what is conveyed by the teacher. Sometimes learn and feel bored... more
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    • Technology-mediated teaching and learning
This Viewpoint considers the challenges, commitments, and quandaries that arise with the use of mobile technologies in the classroom. It presents my reflections on struggles encountered in a curricular reform project that relied heavily... more
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      Information TechnologyTechnologyEducational TechnologyMobile Learning
Kim, SoHee. (2014). The effects of using storytelling with a Charlie Chaplin silent movie clip on oral proficiency development. STEM Journal, 15(1), 1-20. This eleven-week study investigated the effects of storytelling using silent movie... more
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    • Technology-mediated teaching and learning
Digital learners, who are now entering schools and universities, have learning expectations, styles, and needs different from past students. Today's Gen-Z communicates in a language that older generation may not fully understand; the... more
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      Programming LanguagesEnglish LiteratureTeaching and LearningEducation
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      Second Language AcquisitionPsycholinguisticsCognitive LinguisticsTechnology-mediated teaching and learning
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      EntrepreneurshipHistory of Science and TechnologyInformation TechnologyPhilosophy of Technology
Critics of artificial intelligence have suggested that the principles of fairness, accountability and transparency (FATE) have been used for 'ethics washing', in order to appease industrial interests. In this article, we develop this... more
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      E-learningLearning TechnologyAcademic IntegrityLearning And Teaching In Higher Education
As massive open online courses (MOOCs) increase, the large scale and heterogeneity of MOOC participants bring myriad significant design challenges. This exploratory mixed methods study explores 143 MOOC instructors’ considerations and... more
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      Instructional DesignInformal LearningE-learningDistance Education
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      Information TechnologyInformation Communication TechnologyTechnology-mediated teaching and learningPsikologi
The main focus of this thesis is on the importance of teaching literature and the presentation of theoretical views that demonstrate why and how this type of teaching can be improved. The presentation of the methods and examples of... more
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      English languageTeaching MethodologyTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageLearning And Teaching In Higher Education
Angesichts digitaler Texte wird das gedruckte Buch als Objekt zu einem sonderbaren Ding, das hier als Zwei-Seiten-Form mit Luhmann bestimmt wird. Die Perspektive öffnet auch den Blick für Lesesenen wie in Novalis "Heinrich von... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesTechnology-mediated teaching and learningRomantik
Este libro está basado en decenas de estudios, todos con el afán de comprender cómo la educación puede fomentar las habilidades adecuadas para las sociedades innovadoras. Se enfoca en la educación matemática, una materia destacada a nivel... more
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      Mathematics EducationMetacognitionTeacher TrainingTechnology-mediated teaching and learning
This project was realized in the fourth and fifth forms of the primary school with German language in Varna (South Tyrol, Italy) where children study Italian as a second language. The principal purpose of the project was the acquisition... more
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      Technology-mediated teaching and learningDidattica, Italiano L2, Teaching Italian as a Second Language
As was the case with many newly independent African nations, Somalia was beset by a language problem whose complexity had begun well before independence and the unification of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland in 1960. With three... more
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      Critical TheoryLanguagesCultural HistoryCultural Studies
cine de YouTube para explorar la justicia…el amor, la revancha, guerra, y más…with links to Pope Francis Fratelli tutti on final pages and special thanks to MLK and RBG...intended for SPAN2041 reading class University of Wyoming, but... more
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      Spanish LiteratureLiterature and cinemaSpanish as a Foreign LanguageTechnology-mediated teaching and learning
Der Sammelband „Medien machen Geschichte. Neue Anforderungen an den geschichtsdidaktischen Medienbegriff im digitalen Wandel“ beinhaltet acht Beiträge der Tagung „Geschichtsdidaktische Medienverständnisse“, die im April 2014 an der... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesWeb 2.0
One of my assignments for my DipTed for all those who'd like to get an idea how difficult such an assignment can be.
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    • Technology-mediated teaching and learning
En el presente trabajo de tesis doctoral se presentan los resultados de un desarrollo metodológico propio en las ciencias sociales y económico administrativa. Fue aplicado a la investigación documental y presencial en fuentes primarias... more
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      Organizational ChangeHigher EducationOrganizational CultureReadiness for Organizational Change
Robbins, J. (2019) Teaching Language Learning Strategies with Technology. In A.U. Chamot and V. Harris, Eds. Learning Strategies Instruction in the Language Classroom: Issues and Implementation. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
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      Language EducationTechnology-mediated teaching and learningEnglish language teachingTeacher Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Second/Foreign Languages (TESOL)
Many language learners possess well-developed skills in certain aspects of digital literacy—finding, sharing, and creating content—but are less adept at evaluating and using content. This study introduces a term-long project that draws on... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyDigital LiteracyHigher Education
PowerPoint is one of the most frequently used tools to present multimedia for educational purposes. Nevertheless, little is known about the users' needs when using PowerPoint during lecturing. Our study focused on the presenter's needs in... more
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      Information SystemsEngineeringComputer ScienceHuman Computer Interaction
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the eventual closing of schools in March 2020 throughout the world caused major disruptions to the educational experience of all learners. Teaching and learning began to be organised and delivered... more
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      PedagogyTechnology-mediated teaching and learningOnline Teaching and LearningTeachers and Students Voices
This journal is an interdisciplinary form for educators who wish to improve the quality of instruction through the use of computers and how to implement it effectively into instruction. This forum also aims to provide a platform for... more
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      EducationWikisEducational TechnologyBlogs
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan mengembangkan media pembelajaran Augmented Reality Pocket Book pada materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar, mata pelajaran Matematika kelas VIII semester genap. Penelitian ini menggunakan... more
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      Technology-mediated teaching and learningLearning Media
Media is everywhere and we live immerse “in” it (Deuze, 2012). Interface design is working on diluting boundaries between human and machines (HCI), incorporating the devices in our daily life by ful lling our motivations and, at the same... more
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      Media SociologyCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
The paper reports the findings of a research project that seeks to explore and understand adult educators’ and learners’ xperiences and perceptions of distance learning courses in the Open University of Cyprus and the Hellenic Open... more
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      Teaching and LearningE-learningDistance EducationLifelong Learning
Using digital technology to deliver content, connect learners, and enable anytime, anywhere learning is increasing, but keeping students engaged in technology-mediated learning is challenging. Instructional practices that encourage... more
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      Blended E-LearningStudent Motivation And EngagementStudent EngagementOnline Learning
Learning is a process that depends on experiences and leads to long-term changes in behavior potential. Behavior potential designates the possible behavior of an individual, not actual behavior. The main assumption behind all learning is... more
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      Educational TechnologyEducational PsychologyTechnology-mediated teaching and learning
This study aims to seek the students' soft and hard skills practices through online learning activities. It also compares the practices among students residing in the city and rural areas. The online learning methods included group... more
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      Teacher EducationDistance EducationHigher EducationTechnology-mediated teaching and learning
The deadline for submitting papers for the next issue of Palimpsest is 25 March 2022. Palimpsest is an international journal for linguistic, literary and cultural research founded at the Faculty of Philology in Stip (Republic of... more
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      Sociology of CultureLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsLearning and Teaching
Palimpsest is an international journal for linguistic, literary and cultural research founded at the Faculty of Philology in Stip in 2016. It is published in printed form and electronically twice a year, the first issue in May and the... more
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      Literary JournalismSociology of CultureTeaching and LearningScholarship of Teaching and Learning
Historians occasionally use timelines, but many seem to regard such signs merely as ways of visually summarizing results that are presumably better expressed in prose. Challenging this language-centered view, I suggest that timelines... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsHistoryAmerican History