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La notion de norme et de référence à la norme est absolument fondamentale pour qui s’intéresse aux langues humaines. Langues, dialectes, parlers et accents suivent tous des règles rigoureuses, que l’observation permet de déterminer. Il... more
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      LanguagesCultural StudiesMulticulturalismSecond Language Acquisition
The Chinese provinces are a crazy patchwork quilt of languages and dialects, where the histories of migrations and cultural enclaves, the tides of influence from empire and commerce, the sperm trails that follow rivers and railway lines... more
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    •   60  
      SociologySociology of CultureAsian StudiesAnthropology
Deusanas (angl. Jasonas) Bondas moko škotų gėlų kalbos (Gàidhlig), kurią dar visai neseniai mokėjo vos keliasdešimt tūkstančių žmonių Škotijos šiaurėje, kalnuose ir salose, taip pat Naujojoje Škotijoje (Kanada). 2019 m.... more
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      Scottish Gaelic StudiesCeltic LanguagesScottish GaelicCeltic Languages and Cultures
Rock art and celtic inscriptions (Lugano alphabet) with the name of the God Penninus at Carona, Val Brembana, Alps (Italy)
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      Prehistoric Rock ArtRock ArtInscriptionsRock art research
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      Media StudiesTranslation StudiesScottish Gaelic StudiesCorpus Linguistics
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    •   38  
      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsCeltic StudiesBalkan Studies
This essay highlights the main characteristics of the architecture of the Welsh house and provides an analysis of the influences on its design over the centuries. The various terms involved in the field are clearly explained before the... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySocial ChangeSocial Anthropology
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      Historical LinguisticsCeltic LinguisticsLinguisticsPre Roman Archaeology/Iberian Culture
Books in the Broadview Editions series don't include a bibliography. For many readers this removes a distraction. Others, students and professors alike, may want to have a reading list, and so I have assembled this one. Books in the... more
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      British LiteratureMedieval LiteratureCeltic StudiesMedieval Studies
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      HistoryGaelic LiteratureMusicCeltic Studies
Throughout history, the Druids have always been seen as sorcerers who had a strong bond with nature. Ancestral knowledge holders within Celtic society, directed all religious activity as the highest authority linked to the gods, practiced... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistorySociology
This is a small explanation of how Scottish Gaelic dialects can differ from the standard spelled form, using mainly the Arran dialect from the Argyle Dialect group as an example. I also gone on to discuss the Galloway Gaelic dialect and... more
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      Celtic StudiesDialectologyCeltic LinguisticsGaelic Scotland
In this article, I intend to concentrate on one type of process by which Scots has found new legitimation as a language, and how discourses surrounding the issue of Scots might seek to contribute to the creation of a new Scottish society.... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguagesHistoryAnthropology
Despite being dormant during the nineteenth century, the Cornish language has been recently recognised by the British Government as a living regional language after a long period of revival. The first part of this paper discusses the... more
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      Language revitalizationLanguages and LinguisticsCornish LanguageCeltic Studies
For know the controversial history of the Druids in the Celtic world, will investigate the sources of its origin, through stories of classic texts and medieval legends of Gaul, Britain and Ireland. His role in Celtic society surpassed the... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistorySociology
Originally published in 2018, this is an updated version of the 'Introduction to the Gaelic Dialect Alphabet', an alphabet for writing the specifics of dialectal forms in Irish, Manx and Scottish Gaelic.
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      DialectologyCeltic LinguisticsScottish Gaelic StudiesIrish History
Principally in response to the public debt crisis, the process of European political integration appears about to make further advances. This, in turn, brings a need to reflect on the emergence of a new legal culture shared by many legal... more
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      Comparative LawConstitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawLaw and culture
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      LanguagesReligionHistorySocial Geography
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      WelshWelsh linguisticsCymraeg - the Welsh languageCeltic Languages
It is often asserted that the term "Celtic", when used in relation to languages, culture, history or, specifically, a people or group of people, is a modern invention, is inaccurate and inappropriate, and should not be used. This essay... more
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      Gaulish languageCeltic Languages and CulturesGaulish historyGaulish culture
This paper is a preliminary report on a sociolinguistic field survey. It records the beliefs which 834 permanent residents of Suva, Fiji had about their own language and literacy skills in 1988-89. The interview subjects were selected... more
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    •   106  
      Discourse AnalysisSociologyAnthropologyLiteracy
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    •   62  
      LanguagesReligionQuantitative PsychologySocial Geography
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    •   26  
      Scottish LiteratureIrish StudiesCeltic StudiesIrish Literature
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      Second Language AcquisitionMentoringScottish Gaelic StudiesLaw and culture
Can we dispense with lawyers as intermediaries between the law and its subjects? Can laypeople have direct access to the law? The Plain English Movement (PEM) has long promoted the use of plain language in legal writing as the way to... more
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      Sources of LawJudicial PrecedentPlain Language CommunicationLegal interpretation
This paper aims at offering a revision of the relationship between the names of indigenous family units in genitive plural attested on the inscriptions of Ancient Hispania and the indigenous names found in onomastic formulae that can also... more
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      Latin EpigraphyClassics: Ancient History and ArchaeologyOld Celtic languagesAncient Spain
An analysis of Atlantican or pre Indo European root words in Indo European languages.
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      Welsh linguisticsEtymologyGermanic linguisticsAncient Indo-European Languages
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      HistoryPrehistoric ArchaeologyCeltic StudiesMedieval History
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      SociologyCeltic StudiesBritish HistorySociology of Language
The iconography of Celtic coins in the following article is explained within the framework of the system shaped by the structural metaphor of SPEECH / POETRY IS FIRE, functioning in the tradition of Indo-European oral cultures. The... more
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      Celtic StudiesIndo-European StudiesOral Traditions (Culture)Celtic religion
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      Law and cultureLanguage PlanningLanguage PolicyLinguistic Minorities
This volume provides accounts of well-established themes of general Celtic inquiry from new theoretical perspectives, in addition to addressing new areas of research that have remained largely unexplored. The collection includes... more
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      Celtic StudiesWelsh LiteratureWelsh linguisticsCeltic Linguistics
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      Celtic StudiesCeltic PhilologyCeltic LinguisticsCelts (Archaeology)
19 chapters grouped thematically into five sections: (1) Overviews of the Celtic peoples, (2) Languages, (3) Cultural Expressions, (4) Identity and Race, (5) Interethnic Interactions.
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      Ethnic StudiesCeltic StudiesCornish StudiesIrish Diaspora
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      LiteracyCommunicationMedia StudiesJournalism
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      CommunicationEducationJournalismLanguage Education
This volume provides accounts of well-established themes of general Celtic inquiry from new theoretical perspectives, in addition to addressing new areas of research that have remained largely unexplored. The collection includes... more
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      Celtic StudiesWelsh LiteratureWelsh linguisticsCeltic Linguistics
Over the last decade, Cornwall Council and other partners have grant funded around one Cornish language film project per year. In order to develop the impact and wider benefit of Cornish language film making, the Cornish Language Lead... more
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      Cornish LanguageCornish StudiesPublic Service BroadcastingFilm Promotion and Marketing (Film Studies)
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      LiteracyCommunicationMedia StudiesJournalism
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      Historical LinguisticsCornish LanguageCeltic StudiesEtymology
This volume provides accounts of well-established themes of general Celtic inquiry from new theoretical perspectives, in addition to addressing new areas of research that have remained largely unexplored. The collection includes... more
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      Celtic StudiesWelsh LiteratureWelsh linguisticsCeltic Linguistics
O encanto que permeia a cultura celta faz-se notável por seus elementos alegóricos, sua configuração mitológica caleidoscópica e por seus dialetos de traços peculiarmente melódicos e enigmáticos. Ao defendermos que a língua naturalmente... more
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      Cornish LanguageCeltic StudiesWelshCeltic Linguistics
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      SociolinguisticsMinority StudiesLaw and cultureLanguage Planning
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsCeltic StudiesSlavic Languages
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      Celtic StudiesSlavic LanguagesCeltic LinguisticsCeltic Languages
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      Contact LinguisticsSociology of LanguageLanguage Planning and PolicyLaw and culture
While this book ostensibly analyzes the seven symphonies of the Anglo-Irish composer Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924), written between 1876 and 1911 as Ireland lurched towards Home Rule and civil war, it is much more a work of... more
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      Irish StudiesIrish (early and modern)Post-ColonialismSociology of Music
La notion de norme et de reference a la norme est absolument fondamentale pour qui s'interesse aux langues humaines. Langues, dialectes, parlers et accents suivent tous des regles rigoureuses, que l'observation permet de... more
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      Cultural StudiesDialectologyApplied LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics