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In this paper we analyze the historical roots of neoliberal housing policies, mottos and principles in Italy and Spain, two countries with a Mediterranean welfare regime, showing how they are embedded in the twentieth century... more
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      Italian StudiesWelfare StateFascismHousing Policy
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryModern HistoryEconomic History
Faşizm kavramı bir yüzyılı aşkın süredir siyaset içerikli pek çok tartışmanın merkezinde bulunur. 21. yüzyıldaki tartışmalara bakıldığında ise, iki bağlamın öne çıktığı hemen fark edilebilir. Bunlardan ilki, 20. yüzyılın son çeyreğine... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyFascismNeo-Fascism
Is it possible to build a bulletproof economy in the era of globalization and economic warfares? Yes, it is; but sacrifices are needed. This 300-page original work, written between Italy and Russia, with which I got my master's degree in... more
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      International EconomicsCuban StudiesInternational Political EconomyCyber Warfare
This article explores the way in which wine came to be viewed as a quintessentially ‘Italian’ beverage among Italy's middle- and upper-class households during fascism's twenty years in power. Due to significant increases in wine... more
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      Modern Italian HistoryIdentity (Culture)Consumer CultureModern European History
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      Art HistoryArchitectureItalian StudiesRehabilitation
The proximity of French territories such as Savoie, Nice and Corsica to the Italian border, and their histories as part of the Italian states, has resulted in the inevitable existence of Italian communities in these regions. Following... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryFrench HistoryItalian (European History)
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      Political SciencePopulismModernityAnarchism & Spanish Civil War
It is one of the great ironies of the history of fascism that, despite their fascination with ultra-nationalism, its adherents understood themselves as members of a transnational political movement. While a true “Fascist International”... more
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      European HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesGerman Studies
The vast majority of the force employed by the Italians to crush local resistance in Tripolitania and Cyrenaica was composed of Libyans, Eritreans and Ethiopians. The article examines why the Italians came to rely so heavily on colonial... more
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      Military HistoryModern Italian HistoryWar StudiesColonialism
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      FascismNewsreels and CinemagazinesItaly (History)Film History
In the political and social doctrine “The Ideology of Twentieth Century” the fascist leader Benito Mussolini expresses his view about the aims of the Fascist government with impressive but indirect way: “The Fascist State express the... more
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsWar StudiesFascismNationalism
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      Military HistoryInternational RelationsFascismCroatian History
In 1935 the Third International established that far from being a revolutionary movement, fascism was in fact the final stage of the imperialism of monopoly capital. Ever since, generations of Marxist historians have argued that fascism -... more
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      German HistoryItalian (European History)Modern Italian HistoryItalian Studies
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      Vichy FranceJewish-Muslim RelationsNazi GermanyHolocaust
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      Gender StudiesArchitectureItalian (European History)Modern Italian History
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      SociologySocial TheorySociology of CultureCultural Policy
In PBSR 88 (2020) Ephemeral architecture was the antithesis of the permanent buildings typical of the 'Fascism of stone', and yet many architects took advantage of this paradox to create an imaginary Rome. A widespread use of ephemeral... more
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      FascismHistory of ArtItalyHistory of architecture
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      FascismFascist ItalyItalian fascismConsensus
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      Visual propagandaItalian StudiesVisual CultureFascism and Modernism
Articolo con un breve studio incentrato sulla scuola elementare rurale di Ruscio (Monteleone di Spoleto - PG) negli anni ’30 del XX secolo. Lo scritto è nato in affiancamento della pubblicazione di una foto della famiglia De Angelis che... more
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      UmbriaFascist ItalySchoolStoria
"Rom-Berlin" is a historical study that investigates the competitive relationship between Nazi Germany and fascist Italy in the field of architecture between 1936 and 1942. Written in Italian, it presents the results of the archive... more
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      Urban PlanningSecond World WarArchitectural TheoryModern Architecture
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      Classical ArchaeologyLatin LiteratureUrban HistoryEarly Rome
As the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini decided to invade Greece it was a common belief that the Greek army would collapse after some days or weeks. Mussolini took his decision after Germany sent troops to Rumania to protect the... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryModern Greek HistoryGerman Foreign PolicyNational Socialism
ABSTRACT (Albanian) Ky punim ka si objektiv të identifikojë dhe të analizojë, qoftë edhe shkurtimisht, faktorët e origjinës së sjelljes në lidhje me Italinë fashiste nga ana e dy përfaqësuesve të politikës, Ahmet Zogolli e Fan Stilian... more
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      Albanian StudiesBalkan HistoryContemporary HistoryFascism
In Rommel’s Rear: War Crimes, Colonial Mass Violence and the Persecution of Jews in North Africa, 1940-1943 – Conventional wisdom holds that the Desert War was an honorably fought and dispassionate war with no Gestapo, persecuted... more
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      French HistoryViolenceMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa Studies
My contribution focuses on the archival resources and special collections available in music libraries and archives (in and outside Italy), which are of interest for the study of Fascist persecution against Jewish musicians, composers,... more
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      MusiciansFascist ItalyItalian Racial Laws
My doctoral dissertation examines the experiences of the Italian volunteers in the Waffen-SS troops using in-depth interviews with former volunteers as the main primary source. This phenomenon, even if significant in size (depending on... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistoryEuropean HistoryEuropean History
My doctoral dissertation examines the experiences of the Italian volunteers in the Waffen-SS troops using in-depth interviews with former volunteers as the main primary source. This phenomenon, even if significant in size (depending on... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistoryEuropean HistoryEuropean History
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      Discourse AnalysisHistoryMilitary HistoryModern History
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      Modern Italian HistoryHistory of ReligionItalian StudiesReligion and Politics
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      Military HistoryViolenceItalian (European History)Qualitative methodology
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      Italian StudiesItalian CinemaModernismDocumentary Film
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      PhilologyComparative LiteratureJewish StudiesItalian Studies
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural History
This article shows how the Fascist and the Nazi regimes orchestrated their repression proactively. They took advantage of Jewish informers who betrayed their own people, with traumatic consequences for their individual and their... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryJewish StudiesGerman History
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      Eastern European historyModern Jewish HistoryZionismFascist Italy
In 1934, Benito Mussolini’s Fascist regime firmly intervened in the delicate issues stemming from the crisis of Italian cinema and the shaping of a national film culture. Among the major interventions, the regime centralized all the... more
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      Media StudiesAvant-Garde CinemaVisual CultureItalian Cinema
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      History and MemoryFascism and Classical AntiquityReception of AntiquityFascist Italy
Using previously unpublished material from the LUCE archive and the State Archives in Rome, this article examines how film-making became part and parcel of the process of ‘taming’ nature in the Pontine Marshes under Mussolini’s regime.... more
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      Landscape EcologyCultural StudiesCultural GeographyUrban Geography
This essay is the second preliminary version of a paper that I intend to publish as an article in an architectural-historical journal or a relevant collection of papers. This article is about the urban project of the ‘Esposizione... more
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      Roman HistoryFascist ItalyRoman Architecture and UrbanismRoman Architecture
L’autore tratta i legami tra l’invasione italiana dell’Etiopia nel 1935 – 1936 e la regione Venezia Giulia attraverso gli articoli pubblicati sull’Istra, foglio zagabrese degli emigranti giuliani di nazionalità croata e slovena nel Regno... more
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      Ethiopian StudiesFascist ItalyItalian colonialismIstrian history
malgré les attaques incessantes de Mussolini contre la France la presse parisienne eut parfois peu à refuser au 'duce', jusqu'à l'entrée en guerre italienne de 1940...
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      PropagandaEthiopiaPress and media historyFascist Italy
This interdisciplinary contribution explores the reality of the air war in the port cities of Liguria that were most heavily bombed between 1940 and 1945: Savona, Genoa and La Spezia, and their surrounding provinces. Bordering with France... more
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      Military HistoryModern Italian HistoryCultural HeritageItalian Studies
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      FascismCroatian HistorySerbian historySecond World War
The 20th century is often remarked on by historians to have been one of the most tumultuous periods in human history. Some would go so far as to assert that it was the most violent century in modern times. Certainly, the advances in... more
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesItalian StudiesEthiopian Studies
The article announces the rediscovery of a series of objects that were part of Mussolini’s own collection of propaganda art, seized by the Italian authorities after WW2. They were originally held in Mussolini's hilltop retreat near his... more
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      Popular CultureGift ExchangeFascismNeo-Fascism
During the Second World War, the Vichy government published many of the same antisemitic laws in Tunisia as it did in the metropole. But in Tunisia, the ‘Jewish Question’ also became a question of maintaining control over the French... more
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      Jewish HistoryHolocaust StudiesVichy FranceTunisian History
Biography of the librarian Pietro Zorzanello, director of the Marciana Library, by Stefano Trovato, published in "Dizionario biografico dei soprintendenti bibliografici (1919-1972)", Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2011, pp. 622-627... more
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      Library ScienceItalian (European History)Italian StudiesBibliography
This study aims to provide a fresh look at some of Nicolae Iorga’s travel accounts written on the occasion of his multiple journeys in Venice. I herein argue that the Romanian historian did not have a fixed and homogenous representation... more
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      Romanian HistoryFascist ItalyVeniceItalian travellers