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New Bsbdiv802 - Conduct Strategic Planning For Diversity Learning Practices - Workbook

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Learner Workbook
Pre-assessment Checklist

Candidate’s name: Paul Lee

Units of competency: PRACTICES

Checklist Comments

 Talked to the candidate about the purpose of the assessment.

 Discussed the assessment environment and the process covering

when the assessment will occur, where the assessment will occur, who
will assess the candidate, and the feedback process.
 Printed the unit outline and explained the unit of competency
including each element, performance criteria, foundation skill,
performance evidence, and knowledge evidence that the candidate will
be assessed on.

 Discussed the various methods of assessment, assessment

instruments, submission requirements and the due date.

 Discussed what resources are required to successfully complete this


 Discussed what performance level is required for each assessment


 Organised the necessary arrangements to meet the assessment

conditions essential for the candidate to carry out each assessment task.

 Ensured that the candidate read and understood the Student

Assessment Handbook involving following concepts:
 authenticity of candidate’s work
 re-submission, re-assessment and study plan policy/procedures
 appeals process
 regulatory information
 confidentiality procedures

 Discussed special needs (if any) of the candidate and made the
necessary arrangements.

 Summarised information and allowed candidate to ask questions.

Candidate Details
Please complete the following activities and hand in to your trainer for marking. This forms part of your

Name: Paul Lee

Address: 335 – 337 Blaxland Rd Ryde NSW

Email: tung1407andy1607@gmail.com

Employer: Kireet Joshi


I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the
exception of where I have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this
assessment has been written for me by another person.

Signed: ___Paul Lee_________________________________________________________

Date: _____27/10/2020______________________________________________________

If activities have been completed as part of a small group or in pairs, details of the learners
involved should be provided below:

This activity workbook has been completed by the following persons and we acknowledge that it
was a fair team effort where everyone contributed equally to the work completed. We declare that
no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where
we have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been
written for us by another person.

Learner 1: ____________________________________________________________

Signed: ____Paul Lee _________________________________________________________

Learner 2: ____________________________________________________________

Signed: _____Paul Lee ________________________________________________________

Learner 3: ____________________________________________________________

Signed: _____Paul Lee ________________________________________________________

Assessment Information
This assessment tool is designed to gather evidence on your knowledge as well as abilities to record general
journal adjustment entries and to prepare end of period financial reports. In addition, it collects evidence on key
foundation skills outlined in unit of competency details. Your Trainer/Assessor will go through the unit of
competency at the very beginning of this unit explaining each element, performance criteria, foundation skill,
performance evidence, and knowledge evidence that you will be assessed on via this assessment tool. You can
find more information at https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/BSBDIV802
This assessment has three parts:

 Formative Activities (5 assessments) – Knowledge gathering and practical’s through Written Activities,
and Practical
 Case Study – Performance Evidence Activities

In order to be deemed competent in this unit you must obtain satisfactory outcome in each part of this
assessment. You must collate the following documents and submit in a portfolio format:

 Formative Activities (5 assessments) – Knowledge gathering and practical’s through Written Activities,
and Practical
 Case Study – Performance Evidence Activities

Guide for Preparing and Submitting Assessment

 Read each task carefully, to make sure you know what is expected of you. Check whether the task has
multiple parts, and make sure you answer all parts.
 Answer all the required task in the sequence as provided
 Research widely and use a variety of reputable sources. Use class notes and discuss with your trainer
 Remember to observe the principles of academic honesty, as we do check assessments for plagiarism.
Writing and Submitting the Assessment
 Your answers must be written in a formal format.
 Write and save your assessment as a Microsoft Word document to your computer.
 Give a title to your assessment and use headings and subheadings when appropriate.
 You must submit your assessment as one portfolio where each part must have its own cover page
– Course Code, Course Name
– Unit Code, Unit Name
– Date of Submission
– Your Full Name and Your Student Number
– Your Trainer’s/Assessor’s full name
 Number the pages in the bottom right hand corner.
 Make sure you present a professional looking portfolio. Use a document folder to collate all your
documents together. Ensure quality print.
 Save a back-up copy of your assessment on a portable storage medium, in case your computer fails or
is stolen, and/or keep a printed copy.
 When submitting your assessment, please submit it as one document – do not submit the title page, the
references and the body separately. If you do this, your assessment will be returned to you for re-

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to plan, implement and review organisational diversity
strategies and the quality of training and assessment products and services for its implementation. This unit
focuses on valuing and actively leveraging diversity in the workplace.
It applies to individuals who plan, design, implement, monitor and review diversity learning strategies at an
organisational level.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.


This resource brings together information to develop your Skills and knowledge about this unit. The information is
designed to reflect the requirements of the unit and uses headings to makes it easier to follow.
Read through this resource to develop your skills and knowledge in preparation for your assessment. You will be
required to complete the assessment tools that are included in your program.
As a student it is important to extend your learning and to search out text books, internet sites, talk to people at
work and read newspaper articles and journals which can provide additional learning material.
Your trainer may include additional information and provide activities, slide presentations, and assessments in
class to support your learning.
1 Plan diversity learning strategy
1.1 Evaluate approaches to learning and workplace training against organisational strategic requirements that
support valuing and leveraging diversity
1.2 Consult relevant stakeholders for ideas on strategic diversity learning requirements
1.3 Analyse and plan diversity learning strategy to support organisational and regulatory requirements
1.4 Analyse and plan technological and systems requirements for organisational diversity learning strategy
1.5 Analyse and align organisational diversity learning strategy with human resources and learning requirements
1.6 Provide learning recommendations that support how various diversity dimensions may affect individuals and
their experiences; and inclusive social interactions

2 Design and develop organisational diversity learning strategy

2.1 Design organisational diversity learning and assessment strategy that focuses on valuing and leveraging
diversity and meets instructor, learner and organisational strategic requirements
2.2 Develop diversity learning strategies to permit and promote responsiveness of the organisation to changed
circumstances and priorities

3 Implement organisational diversity learning strategy

3.1 Implement diversity learning strategy that supports valuing and leveraging diversity and is appropriate to
organisational and regulatory requirements
3.2 Validate organisational assessment methods and assessment tools consistent with learning and wider
operational needs
3.3 Source diversity learning resources compliant with international, national, industry, workplace and regulatory
4 Review organisational diversity learning and development
4.1 Develop procedures to liaise with diversity organisations, cohort organisations, educators, learners and other
relevant stakeholders to monitor how well learning strategies and learning resources achieve diversity
organisational learning targets
4.2 Monitor and incorporate national policy issues and system changes into organisational learning and
development strategies and practices
4.3 Review policies and procedures for continuing relevance, operational effectiveness, forward thinking and to
identify any gaps
4.4 Consult relevant stakeholders to ascertain the effect of strategic outcomes attained through diversity
organisational learning strategy, and update policies and procedures accordingly
5 Improve diversity organisational learning strategy formation
5.1 Evaluate the entire implementation process of the diversity organisational learning strategy
5.2 Review performance of resources and people supporting the diversity organisational learning strategy
5.3 Construct and present plans for improving the diversity organisational learning strategy
This describes the essential knowledge and skills and their level required for this unit.

Evidence required to demonstrate competence in this unit must be relevant to and satisfy all of the requirements of
the elements and performance criteria on at least one occasion and include:

 plan a diversity learning strategy

 design, develop and implement a comprehensive organisational diversity learning strategy
 critically analyse existing organisational diversity learning strategy with evaluation of its effectiveness and
recommendations for improvement, aiming for learning strategies that support valuing and leveraging

Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once

Evidence required to demonstrate competence in this unit must be relevant to and satisfy all of the requirements
of the elements and performance criteria and include knowledge of:
 discuss organisational diversity learning strategy, including:
 regulatory requirements
 rationale for a diversity learning strategy within an organisation
 outline learning strategies that support organisational diversity learning requirements
 list and discuss organisational learning and assessment strategies that incorporate valuing and
leveraging diversity principles.
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent
performance of typical activities experienced in the workforce development – diversity field of work and include
access to:
 organisational records, policies and procedures
 legislation, regulations and codes of practice
 case studies and, where possible, real situations
 interaction with others.


How long should my answers be?
The length of your answers will be guided by the description in each assessment, for example:
Answer Guidelines
Type of Answer

4 typed lines = 50 words, or

Short Answer
5 lines of handwritten text

8 typed lines = 100 words, or

Long Answer
10 lines of handwritten text = of a foolscap page

500 words = 1 page typed report, or

Brief Report
50 lines of handwritten text = 1 foolscap handwritten pages

1,000 words = 2 page typed report

Mid Report
100 lines of handwritten text = 3 foolscap handwritten pages

2,000 words = 4 page typed report

Long Report
200 lines of handwritten text = 6 foolscap handwritten pages

Skill  Description

 Sources, evaluates and critiques ideas and information from a range of complex
1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 3.3, 4.2, texts to assist with decisions on learning processes for diversity organisational
Reading learning strategy
4.3, 5.1, 5.2
 Monitors reported information to evaluate progress of diversity learning strategy

 Records insights and results of analysis using clear, concise language

1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 4.1,4.2, 4.3,
Writing  Researches and prepares plans for relevant stakeholders incorporating appropriate
vocabulary, grammatical structure and conventions
 Presents information using language and non-verbal features appropriate to
Oral Communication 1.2, 4.4 audience

 Uses listening and questioning skills to gather opinions and confirm understanding

 Works autonomously making high level decisions to achieve and improve

1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.3, organisational goals
Navigate the world
4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1,
of work  Develops and implements diversity learning strategy in accordance with
5.2, 5.3
organisational and regulatory requirements

 Selects and uses appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with
Interact with others 1.2, 4.4
stakeholders in a range of work contexts

 Develops plans to manage complex learning activities that involve actively

embracing difference and promoting diverse skills, knowledge and experience
1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6,  Investigates digital technologies required to support strategies
Get the work done 2.1, 2.2, 3,1, 3.2, 4.1,
5.1, 5.2, 5.3  Coordinates and analysis all relevant information and evaluates options in order to
inform decisions with the potential to affect organisational outcomes

 Systematically monitors performance to identify opportunities for improvement

1.1 Evaluate approaches to learning and workplace training against organisational strategic
requirements that support valuing and leveraging diversity

Activity 1.1
Evaluate approaches to learning and workplace training. What different approaches we do have for
learning at workplace?

Your Response

In the workplace, employees can use a variety of learning methods to help them improve their
skills and solve problems. In the Australian Resources & Energy Group (AMMA), environment
chanced and society needs are changed frequently, the management needs to provide their team
of full training and learning in the workplace is necessary, strategies for attracting and recruiting
women to their organizations; and retaining skilled women through employee value propositions
(such as professional development opportunities and flexible work arrangements).

On-the-job training and role-playing are a great example of coaching and mentoring can be
effective approaches to developing employees. Although on-the-job training is considered
informal, it is a great way to learn and use skills at the same time. It will be able to more easily
identify the strengths and weaknesses. This also allows new and old employees to work together.
By doing this, employees can also learn from each other. Employees will observe each other and
hope to gain knowledge and ideas on how to perform specific tasks and solve possible problems.
This approach must be structured and well thought out to succeed.

For role-playing, this method gives employees the opportunity to show different people in
different situations and how to treat them. Role-playing helps improve interpersonal skills, such as
communication, providing feedback on performance and leadership. This also gives employees the
opportunity to take action on their own.
1.2 Consult relevant stakeholders for ideas on strategic diversity learning requirements
Activity 1.2
Identify all the stakeholders and explain why it is important to consult them for their ideas?

Your Response

In order to perform a participatory process and obtain all the advantages it brings, it is necessary
to figure out who are the stakeholders, which stakeholders need to participate at what level and
what problems may cause.

In the AMMA - Australian Resources & Energy Group, stakeholder identification is not only
important for determining who the project’s stakeholders are, but also for determining the best
way to manage its expectations. Every stakeholder, regardless of their level, wants or expects the
project or its results to be helpful. Through consultation, we can determine and monitor the
trends, challenges, and perceptions of specific stakeholder groups over time.

Stakeholders can be internal parts of the organization, such as employees, managers, a board of
directors, investors, or external parts, such as customers, creditors, unions, or community
members. Consultation with stakeholders is important; whose involves the development of long-
term constructive and productive relationships. It not only can enable the identification of current
or future trends and emerging challenges, which affect the business and can be used to improve
project design and results, help identify and control external risks.

Such as:

Name of stakeholders Why important Their power

1 Customers Customers are the The main source of business

most important part income
of the business, no
customers will not
see any sales
2 Employee Employees are the The influence of your
company's most employees can greatly promote
important resource your marketing strategy

3 Supplier Suppliers have a A supplier’s ability is related to

more the supplier’s ability to increase
comprehensive prices, reduce quality, or limit
understanding of the number of products they
the business they
serve, which can sell.
enable the company
High supply standards
to meet its needs
more effectively.
4 Government Employee Rights Business licence
and Protections Regulatory agencies
People, systems and processes
Environmental meet the requirements
Regulations and
Safe working environment

Compliance of services and


5 Shareholder Shareholders are the Shareholders have the right to

owners of participate in general meetings,
companies. vote on key issues, sell stocks,
receive company reports,
participate in company actions,
and share company profits

1.3 Analyse and plan diversity learning strategy to support organisational and regulatory requirements
Activity 1.3
Analyse and plan diversity learning strategy to support organizational and regulatory requirements.

Your Response

One of the jobs of a learning organization leadership is to develop organizational learning strategies
Leader must Identify and analyse laws, regulations, and corporate policies that affect workplace
diversity. Legislation and regulations exist to assist companies in meeting the legal requirements for
workplace diversity. They guide employers in the best way to ensure and retain a diverse workforce.
According to the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity
Commission Act 1986, the Age Discrimination Act 2004, and the Workplace Gender Equality Act
2012, provide general laws that support diversity in the workplace. The decree stipulates that based
on discrimination and Violation of human rights is illegal.

Before implementing a diversity plan, the organization is necessary to discuss with employees,
investigate employee satisfaction, and evaluate and analyse the challenges and obstacles faced by
diversity. Understand diverse work environment, employee backgrounds and their impact on
learning behaviours that support current and future diversity workforce development needs.

To set achievable and measurable goals of action plans and human resources management planning
for the diversity of the workplace, also decide what changes need to be made and the timetable to
achieve them.
Support organizational diversity policies and regulatory requirements, include: develop a diversified
friendly policy to promoting the benefits of diversity in the workplace. Provide diversity and inclusion
training and age discrimination training, managing conflicts between team members, and increasing
the recruitment and retention rates of Aboriginal Australians, disabled people, youth and graduates.

1.4 Analyse and plan technological and systems requirements for organisational diversity learning
Activity 1.4
Analyse and plan technological and systems requirements for organisational diversity learning strategy

Your Response

Analyze and plan the technical and system requirements required for the implementation of the
organizational learning strategy, as well as the process evaluation management strategy for the
required parameters determined for the plan, and the technical and system requirements that support
the organizational learning strategy.

Learning organization leadership should use training needs assessments to identify skills gaps,
focusing on learning goals and business goals. Organizational learning and development strategies
should help leaders adjust and utilize learning resources to improve the organization’s overall human
resources-related capabilities and system.

The steps involved to Analyse and plan technological and systems requirements for organisational
diversity learning strategy,
1. Evaluate the existing training program
2. Analyse the company
3. Consult with relevant stakeholders
4. Map with the company values

1. Evaluate the existing training program

Evaluate the existing diversity workplace training program, gaps and platform used.

2. Analyse the company

Analyse the various aspects of the company like nature of the business, clients, location,
gender diversity, cultural diversity to define diversity learning strategy

3. Consult with relevant stakeholders

Analyse all departments across various levels to understand the diverse needs. Brainstorm
with relevant stakeholders for ideas on diversity learning requirements

4. Map with the company values

The diversity training requirements must be mapped to the company's vision and long term
plans. It must also map the learning and human resource goals.

1.5 Analyse and align organisational diversity learning strategy with human resources and learning

Activity 1.5
Analyse and align organisational diversity learning strategy with human resources and learning

Your Response

Plan and implement human resource strategies, analyse and evaluate the diversity of the
organization’s workplace to determine how the selected training strategy will align with
existing human resource practices, measure and evaluate the results, make adjustments as
needed and help achieve the learning requirements of the organization. The analysis should
specify the required technologies and systems and how they contribute to the effectiveness
of the learning strategy. It is necessary to ensure that the organizational strategy is
consistent with the established human resources, learning requirements and plans of the

Human resource management must be able to fully recognize the potential benefits of
differences. Managers must instruct employees in cultural, socioeconomic, ethnic and
religious differences and how to accept differences to create and maintain an effective
working environment, align it with human resources and learning requirements.

Staff skill audit

• Help determine the organization's resources to implement its strategic plan.
• Identify specific knowledge gaps in areas that the organization cannot afford.
• Identify the strengths and weaknesses of individual employees or teams.
• Providing training and evaluation must be able to be successfully implemented within the
organization and maintain consistency.
• Consult with the industry on the framework of the process to develop training and evaluation
services as part of the organizational learning strategy.
• Help employees recognize the skills they need to develop (both used and potential).
• Better define future recruitment needs to help the organization appoint the right people.
• Mechanisms to promote continuous improvement in training and evaluation organizations
1.6 Provide learning recommendations that support how various diversity dimensions may affect
individuals and their experiences; and inclusive social interactions

Activity 1.6
Provide learning recommendations that support how various diversity dimensions may affect individuals
and their experiences; and inclusions in social interactions.

Your Response

Diversity refers to the differences that exist in people and are at the heart of inclusion in social
interactions. Primary diversity dimensions such as age, race, gender, ethnicity, physical abilities and
sexual orientation determine the fundamental world perspectives and how individuals perceive
themselves. Primary dimensions cannot be altered. On the other hand, secondary dimensions such as
academic level, religion, language, income, marital status etc help to define an individual. For example,
they can shape someone's self-esteem or self-definition. At the centre of an individual's identity are
tertiary dimensions such as attitudes, values, beliefs, feelings, etc.

Provide management cultural diversity training and learning program recommendations; purpose to
better understand cultural diversity and how to effectively manage cultural diversity to improve
workplace performance. This includes relationships, teamwork, productivity, market knowledge,
community relations, customer service and competitiveness. The main training goal is to enable
participants to understand cultural diversity in the workforce and business cases for managing cultural
diversity, deepen their understanding of culture and intercultural interaction, and cultivate their cultural
awareness and intercultural communication skills.

Cultural competence training

Continuous improvement culture establishing an effective continuous improvement culture

does not just mean implementing some process improvement steps. The recognition of a
culture of continuous improvement is a good starting point, and the company can achieve
tangible returns by implementing it. But to achieve lasting results and integrate into the
continuous improvement of the organization itself, more work needs to be done over time.

Learning organization leadership needs to consider the learning process between these levels.
Learning communication and personal social interaction can be regarded as opportunities to
stimulate relationships. These relationships can be strategically managed through knowledge sharing
to encourage organizational learning.

Provide a series of knowledge planning workplace for key diversity areas; this workplace can be
provided to the team as an internal open plan, or online. Encourage ongoing professional learning and
development by providing financial assistance and various studies leave options. Employees are
required to participate in a series of mandatory training, and employees are also encouraged to
participate in training, seminars and social activities related to their duties.
2.1 Design organisational diversity learning and assessment strategy that focuses on valuing and
leveraging diversity and meets instructor, learner and organisational strategic requirements
Activity 2.1
Design organisational diversity learning and assessment strategy that focuses on valuing and
leveraging diversity and meets instructor, learner and organisational strategic requirements.

Your Response

Administrative support is essential for creating a learning organization. The leader provides the
necessary finances and guidance to guide the organization's learning efforts. Leaders can also be
trainers, mentors and coaches.

The following steps should be followed when designing organizational diversity learning and
assessment strategy. These steps ensure that the diversity strategy meets the organization,
instructor, and learner requirements. They are as follows:

Step 1 - Analyzing and collection of data to evaluate areas that need changes in regards to diversity

Step 2 - Formulate a diversity strategic design that meets the objectives of the business

Step 3 - Implementing the suggested diversity strategies

Step 4 - Evaluation of the diversity strategy by continuous audits.

Steps for designing diversity learning and assessment strategy are

Step 1
Data should be collected and analyzed to identify areas that need changes in regards to diversity.
The organization should first evaluate the workforce characteristics and identify any demographic
inequities. By collecting data on learners' and instructors' demographic, the organization will be to
have a better understanding of the diversity in the organization and areas that need change. For
instance, areas of concern could be favours of white learners by the instructors. Demographic data
include age, language, race, gender expression, ethnicity, disability among others.

Step 2
After identifying areas of concern that require change, the institution should come up with strategies
that promote the diversity that satisfies every individual in the organization. The diversity strategies
include creating an environment where everyone feels they belong, create leadership that focuses
on empathy, ensure everyone in the institution feels connected and happy, and among others.

Step 3
The organization should carefully implement the agreed diversity strategies and put them in
practice. An action plan must be developed to implement diversity strategies. The institution should
communicate to the learners and instructors about the proposed diversity strategy to ensure
everyone in the organization adheres to them.

Step 4
The implemented diversity strategy should be evaluated from time to time to ensure that it satisfies
the requirements of the organization, instructor, and learners. Evaluation of the diversity strategy is
achieved by conducting audits and asking learners and instructors on their views regarding the
diversity strategy. In case of any problem identified, the diversity strategy should be reviewed and
adjusted to meet the overall goal

2.2 Develop diversity learning strategies to permit and promote responsiveness of the organisation to
changed circumstances and priorities
Activity 2.2
Develop diversity learning strategies to permit and promote responsiveness of the organisation to
changed circumstances and priorities.

Your Response

Through the HR development diversity plan, rigorously review and evaluate the differences in the
following aspects to develop a diversified workforce learning strategy: race, ethnicity, sexual
orientation, gender, socioeconomic status, age, ability, religion and political beliefs.

The Human Resources department must ensure that the diversified learning strategy developed is
flexible so that it can be changed and updated as the organization develops and changes. It is
important to ensure that when the organization's environment and priorities change, a learning
strategy is formulated in a certain way to allow and promote the organization's responsiveness when
updating its strategy.

Diversified learning strategies

• Formed by the Human Resources Department to create a diversity and inclusion advisory

The results of the evaluation must be fully supported by the collected evidence in order to make a

The assessment methods and the collection and interpretation of evidence must be consistent and

There must be opportunities for negotiation and reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of

• Create a more inclusive workplace policy,

• Provide training on diversity and inclusion and encourage effective communication in the
workplace to promote organizational diversity.
• Educate managers about the benefits of workplace diversity

• Be aware of unconscious biases and instruct male employees to be rational with female

• Communicate clearly and create an employee-led work team

• Communicate the importance of management bias, encourage employees to communicate with

each other, discuss work, share experience and benefit from each other’s experience.

• Provide meaningful opportunities for employee engagement

3.1 Implement diversity learning strategy that supports valuing and leveraging diversity and is
appropriate to organisational and regulatory requirements
Activity 3.1
Explain the process to implement diversity learning strategy that supports valuing and leveraging
diversity and is appropriate to organisational and regulatory requirements.


In order to ensure that organizational requirements are met, it is necessary to ensure that the
prepared organizational learning strategy has been implemented into the organization. The
implementation process must embed the organizational learning strategy into the existing policies
and procedures in the organization, and develop a series of new policies and procedures to make the
organizational learning strategy effective.
All organizational leaders should replace the roles of mentors, coaches and facilitators to encourage
and support the learning and growth of employees. It is an obligation as HR leaders to recognize the
workplaces diverse and draft diversity policies that will contribute to an equitable and responsive
workforce. It is necessary to create a series of action plans that can be used to implement diversity
learning. The action plan identifies each goal that exists in the organizational diversity learning plan
and various strategies that can be implemented to successfully achieve the goal.

Here are five key aspects that HR leaders should take into account in order to build and enforce an
effective organizational diversity strategy.

1. Train and sensitize your employees.

In an organization's diversity policy, this is probably the most critical aspect to be considered. In
research undertaken by AHRI in 2014, Australian business leaders gathered views and viewpoints on
diversity in the workplace and among the most prominent views would be that middle management
and often even leadership were not always accepting and tolerant of a diverse working community,
making it impossible to introduce any plan within the broader workforce. And no buy-in from
leadership, investing time and money on preparation and sensitization is therefore virtually unlikely.
With education, awareness as well as cultural sensitivity training, this mentality could only be
changed. You ought to promote the teaching of the new supervisors, executives, and workers as HR
leaders to cultivate an egalitarian outlook and the actions and mentality that should be displayed
when dealing with individuals with diverse backgrounds.
2. Understand the various elements of a diverse workgroup and map which one will fit your
business diversity.

Workplace diversity may be of multiple kinds; gender diversity, ethnic diversity, as well as
inclusiveness of workers with diverse skills. Diversity solutions can be applied based on the
business's context, the customers involved, and the expertise and capabilities needed. For starters,
incorporating that one in the internship, as well as traineeship programs of a company, is one of the
better ways to deploy cultural diversity. This approach encourages a new, culturally diverse
workgroup to learn to work together because imbibing the values and working habits of the
It is widely found, particularly in gender equity that companies have in their strategies that they
insist on hiring more women within their leadership positions. Still, the policy is not applied
throughout the right spirit.

3. Do not diversify for extremely short-term goals like an award - give it time.

Diversity is time-intensive. It should not be used overnight in the workforce's diverse. The shift is one
of the toughest tasks, and harder than that is to maintain the shift. Any organization's diversity
initiative must commence months before hiring staff from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

There needs to be ample time, and a lot of preparation has to be provided to current staff to make
them aware of this move. When physically disabled personnel are hired, the organization's facilities
must be made inclusive to facilitate their travel and day-to-day tasks. Diversification with a short-
term purpose would disturb the workforce.

4. Keep it strategic and inclusive.

The plan for diversification must be planned to incorporate all elements and divisions of the
organization. It should not only be an HR project because it can never be limited to recruiting. Long-
term efforts need to be made to incorporate this diverse workforce in all elements and hierarchies
of the group. Once companies recognize that diversity strategies and investments have an effect on
a company's bottom lines, the actual nature of the policy will come into play, and it is not simply a
superficial feature of the enterprise. 

Incorporating diversity programs in the organization's principles, mission, business plans, brand
profile, and the organization's infrastructure and organizational approaches are one of the better
ways to make it strategic and not simply cosmetic.

5. Avoid pigeonholing people.

Nothing kills the initiation of diversity, such as stereotyping persons and societies. Especially
throughout employee training sessions, particular precautions must be taken to ensure that the
messages and learning offered are not stereotypical. This will only stop the obvious working of a
diverse workforce as individuals from every community hate to be stereotyped. 
Events, mentoring workshops, and policies could be coordinated by the HR department in
companies where cultural boundaries are broken. Individuals can come together without being
known solely by one eye. 
We play a very delicate, strategic as well as balancing task as HR leaders to make sure that they carry
in diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and we are continually juggling three balls: 

• With corporate executives in the driving seat, this needs to be a top-down strategy.
• The foundation of recruiting must match talent and abilities, and not only that the individual
fits the different criteria.

3.2 Validate organisational assessment methods and assessment tools consistent with learning and
wider operational needs
Activity 3.2
How would you validate organisational assessment methods and assessment tools consistent with
learning and wider operational needs? Explain.


It is necessary to ensure that all organizational evaluation methods and evaluation tools to be used
in the entire organization's learning strategy and delivery process are verified to ensure that they are
consistent with learning and broader operational needs.

Validation is the process of verifying evaluation tools and methods, which will be used as part of an
organization's learning strategy to ensure that these methods meet their compliance requirements.
The evaluation judgment of the RTO evaluation system can be confirmed. Verification activities are
usually carried out after the evaluation is completed, so RTO can consider the effectiveness of
evaluation practices and judgments. Verification includes checking whether the evaluation tool
provides effective, reliable, sufficient, up-to-date and true evidence, so that your RTO can make a
reasonable judgment on whether the training requirements are met. The verification process
includes reviewing statistically valid evaluation samples and making recommendations for future
improvements in evaluation tools, processes, and results.

The assessment activities always comply with environmental standards; follow WHS, equal
employment opportunity (EEO), anti-discrimination and other related laws.
Assessment tool means the instrument used to collect evidence and make judgements for an entire
unit of competency or a cluster of units.

The four steps of the quality assessment tool:

• Step 1-Mandatory requirements of the assessment task;
• Step 2-Use the knowledge of the specified ability to select the appropriate assessment method;
• Step 3-Start the business and design the evaluation tool; and
• Step 4-Classify and improve the tool to help use the tool flexibly and to make effective, reliable and
fair judgments.

Developing assessment tools

• Develop evaluation tools or customize existing tools provided.

• Ensure that the evaluation tools used fully comply with the RTO standards and related
competency units.

• Need to be adjusted to suit the diversity conditions or the needs of the employee evaluated.

• Need to periodically verify the assessment tools being used and keep them up to date with any
industry changes or capability modifications that have occurred and any improvements
identified during the verification session.

Assessment methods

Prepare for the evaluation to give employee the details of the detailed process in advance. An
evaluation activity must be organized a few days or even weeks before. No matter how long the
preparation time is, the employee must know in advance the purpose of the evaluation, how it will
be conducted, and when and where it will be conducted.

1. Purpose of assessment

2. Conditions under which assessment will take place

3. The appeals process

4. Assessment arrangements

5. Providing feedback, the feedback from employee and work colleagues

3.3 Source diversity learning resources compliant with international, national, industry, workplace and
regulatory requirements
Activity 3.3
Comment on source diversity learning resources compliant with international, national, industry,
workplace and regulatory requirements.


To ensure that various learning resources meet the needs of specific international, national and
industry and workplaces. The learning resources used as part of the learning strategy of a diverse
organization will become the basis of the learner’s knowledge and therefore must meet all relevant
requirements to ensure that learning also meets the requirements

In the process of formulating organizational learning strategies, learning resources and systems that
meet the requirements include:
AQTF standards for registered training institutions
Industry standards and benchmarks
OHS and WHS requirements
Training and evaluation organization standards

Sourcing diversity learning resources compliant with international, national, industry, workplace, and
regulatory requirements entails identifying learning resources that encourage learners to strive for a
more tolerant and inclusive world that values difference, practices empathy and extinguishes
oppressive forces such as racism. Sexism, homophobia, ableism and beyond.

These resources should not offend any existing regulatory requirements. Diversity is unlikely to offend
any standard unless the standard itself was based on prejudice. It is this prejudice that diversity seeks
to eliminate because it is almost always based on false assumptions and innuendos. Diversity learning
will thus most likely be compliant most statutes and regulations. Understanding the dimensions of
diversity and world cultures will help ensure the development of instructional competencies that will
connect with groups and individuals interacted with.
4.1 Develop procedures to liaise with diversity organisations, cohort organisations, educators,
learners and other relevant stakeholders to monitor how well learning strategies and learning resources
achieve diversity organisational learning targets
Activity 4.1


Develop policy and procedures to liaise with diversity organisations; to monitor the success of
learning strategies and resources related to the established organizational learning goals, tactics
must include procedures to maintain contact with stakeholders, such as diverse organizations,
cohort organizations, educators and learners, in order to obtain information about the effectiveness
of learning strategies and learning resources in achieving organizational diversity learning goals
Feedback. Stakeholder organizations include the Australian Diversity Council, Aboriginal Affairs,
National Disability Services, New South Wales Council for Intellectual Disabilities, and the Australian
National Communities Federation Council.

The strategy must include procedures for monitoring and incorporating national policy issues and
system changes. The program must include regular scanning and analysis of the external
environment to detect changes that may affect the organization's diverse learning methods or
success, to ensure that a series of procedures are in place to systematically communicate with
educators, learners and others in order to monitor the success of learning strategies and resources
related to the achievement of organizational learning goals that have been set.

Review the organization’s policies and procedures to determine their continuing relevance,
operational effectiveness, forward-thinking and identify any gaps. The review should pay particular
attention to the relationship between policies and procedures and organizational diversity learning.
Use formal and informal discussions and performance appraisal actions in the organization to keep
in touch with learners to ensure that all skills and knowledge are obtained from learning strategies
and resources used for learning purposes.
4.2 Monitor and incorporate national policy issues and system changes into organisational learning
and development strategies and practices
Activity 4.2


Monitor compliance with legislation, regulation and state or territory requirements

All strategic results achieved as a result of the implementation of organizational learning strategies
are systematically evaluated in order to provide advice on any necessary updates to policies and
procedures. The process of system evaluation involves a structured plan that will ensure that the
evaluation is conducted in a conventional manner, to ensure that the organizational learning
strategy remains in compliance with national requirements and any system or regulatory changes
that may occur. A system must be established that can identify any national policy or system
changes and routinely implement them into the strategy.

Use risk management methods to formulate, review and maintain the timeliness and effectiveness of
policies, procedures and agreements, monitor and take actions to improve compliance with policies,
procedures and agreements, and review compliance with laws, regulations and jurisdictional

Establish policies, procedures and agreements for organizational learning and development strategies
and practices.

Establish a mechanism to monitor national policy issues and system changes, the practicability of
procedures and agreements, and communicate their changes to employees.

Review the effectiveness of organizational policies, procedures and agreements through audits.
Regularly review policies, procedures, and agreements to align them with state or territory requirements
and ensure that they reflect best practices and current evidence.

Develop a legislative compliance system for learning and development strategies and practices to
ensure that policies, procedures and agreements are regularly and reliably updated, and to respond to
relevant regulatory changes, compliance issues and case law.
4.3 Review policies and procedures for continuing relevance, operational effectiveness, forward
thinking and to identify any gaps
Activity 4.3


The review process will include the following elements:

• Discuss the details of the process and analyze its current level of effectiveness,
• Surveys of stakeholders and users,
• Submissions from stakeholders and users,
• Investigate the application of the program in similar institutions, and
• Determine best practices for processes inside and outside the department.

The review process will be conducted in a diversity management approach:

• Involving a diverse work environment
• Review the process from a holistic rather than personal perspective,
• Support people involved in process management,
• For continuous improvement, determined solutions.
• The review process must also be driven by information, and its decisions and conclusions must be
based on reliable data and perfect information.

The review process must involve:

• A clear description of the process elements,
• Clearly state the goal of the process,
• Review relevant policies and practices,
• An objective assessment of the success of the process, including extensive consultations with all
stakeholder groups and analysis involving qualitative and quantitative data, and
• Suggestions on how to improve the process, and an action plan to implement these suggestions.
• The review process must be forward-looking and strategic, based on the analysis of past
performance, to improve goal setting, review the strategy and ensure continuous improvement,
and increase efficiency.
• An action plan will be developed to ensure that the responsibilities for implementing each
recommendation are clearly identified so that the performance of the action plan can be reviewed.
The review will need to be submitted to the plan after the review is completed
• Existing documents and available data should be used during the review process.


Regular policy and procedure review

Timing of Reviews, the process of determination should be reviewed annually and must be consistent
with policies and procedures.
4.4 Consult relevant stakeholders to ascertain the effect of strategic outcomes attained through
diversity organisational learning strategy, and update policies and procedures accordingly
Activity 4.4


Collect and analyse the feedback on the needs of diversified learning strategies provided by key
stakeholders. In addition to determining the design elements or modifications that need to be made to
the strategy, it is also necessary to conduct careful information evaluation and collation after
consultation to ensure that all are applied and tracked, modification of the design is reported during the
approval process, clearly displayed and implemented to the organization.

Consultation with stakeholders, each situation will be different, so each consultation process will be
specific to the specific situation and requires detailed planning. It is essential to carefully plan the
process in advance and conduct preliminary work to determine the needs and goals of the process and
the stakeholders involved.

Stakeholder consultation involves the development of long-term constructive, productive relationships.

This leads to a mutually beneficial relationship. It allows us to identify current or future trends and
emerging challenges that will affect the business. Listening to the concerns and feedback of
stakeholders is a valuable source of information that can be used to improve project design and results,
and to help companies identify and control external risks.


5.1 Evaluate the entire implementation process of the diversity organisational learning strategy.
Activity 5.1

Your responses:
AMMA - Australian Resources & Energy Group

AWRA - the Australian Women in Resource Alliance

The AWRA plan is guided by the AWRA Advisory Board. The advisory committee is composed of
various organizations and individuals in the resource and energy industries. AMMA relies on its team
to develop and implement diversity and inclusion initiatives and industry plans.

AWRA is primarily concerned with enhancing gender diversity; however, the diversity has a much
broader definition and encompasses people of different ages, ethnicities, belief systems, abilities,
sexual orientations and other qualities.

In order to realize the benefits of diverse employees, a strategy consistent with the overall strategic
goals of the organization is required. The implementation of strategic planning and plans is critical to
achieving widespread organizational change, which will enable organizations to obtain, maintain,
and benefit from gender diversity and inclusion.

1) Common goals, including a compelling business case for executives/senior managers.

2) Active visible leadership at the top of the organization.

3) Responsible local sponsorship and leadership (especially in larger organizations).

4) A comprehensive and systematic approach to achieve long-term sustainable change.

5) Effective plan planning and implementation, including clear goals, milestones and deliverables,
and specific and measurable performance goals.

6) Allocate sufficient resources, including plan leaders and plan managers.

7) Regular, clear and influential communication to participate and influence the entire organization.

8) Appropriate awareness and program training for all personnel.

To enable the wisdom of a diverse team and extract the business benefits of greater diversity,
leaders need to:

1. Be accountable for providing the vision for a more inclusive future.

2. Expand understanding and skills to recruit, develop and retain a diverse workforce.

3. Include people with diverse backgrounds, experiences and strengths.

4. Encourage independent opinions.

5. Develop processes for combining information from a range of sources.

6. Provide an environment that is open and inclusive.

7. Articulate the value of shared goals.

8. Challenge traditional thinking and assumptions around roles, skills and behaviours in the
workplace and home

5.2 Review performance of resources and people supporting the diversity organisational learning
strategy implementation
Activity 5.2

Your responses:
The organizational learning strategy of diversity requires the support of a diversified workforce to
complete many tasks. All personnel related to the strategy must carefully check its performance to
see if any improvement is needed. In addition to the performance of all resources and personnel
that support the organizational learning strategy Review and determine whether any required
updates, changes or modifications are required.

1. Preparing for the performance review

It should be reviewed once a year and every time an employee’s responsibilities change.

Have employees review the description to assess its accuracy.

Provide fair assessment or useful feedback

Provide any performance review feedback before revision instructions and share revisions with

2. Assess whether job functions are still aligned with organizational needs

The tasks involved make a meaningful contribution to achieving our short-term and long-term
strategic goals

3. Review how to measure specific effects

Performance should be evaluated against established and agreed expectations-employees know that
they know a list of specific results you expect them to achieve.

4. Assess training and development needs

Employee goals should be fair but challenging. Achieving some of them usually requires new or
improved skills. If the existing goals include training, check the progress of the employees in
completing the training and acquiring the expected capabilities.

5. Need to be objective and fair

It is evaluating actual performance, not expected or potential job performance.

Don't let any personal likes and dislikes become a way of obstructing actual performance.

6. Set time

Schedule an annual review two weeks in advance, make sure employees know that you will be
discussing performance and have the opportunity to prepare.

In regular feedback meetings, focus on only one or two factors as much as possible.

A more formal review is required to ensure that the performance of employees is analyzed based on
each factor listed on the performance evaluation form.
5.3 Construct and present plans for improving the diversity organisational learning strategy
Activity 5.3

Your responses:
When completing all investigations, evaluations, reviews, assessments, and consultations, it is
necessary to ensure that a clear plan is made to improve the organizational learning strategy and the
feasibility of the test plan, and various options need to be carefully considered. In the entire plan
construction process, the strategic goals of the organization and the needs of all parties in the plan
must be considered and met. In addition, all departments of the organization should participate in
the formulation of the plan, all suggestions must be feedback collected from within the organization.

The diversified organizational learning plan that has been constructed must be introduced in written
form according to organizational requirements. All suggestions for improvement should be provided
to the department, responsible for project management in a constructive way and in written form in
accordance with the policies and procedures of each organization.

Such as,

• Establish leadership and accountability: Change organizational culture by incorporating

diversity into all levels of the organization, and establish accountability for diversity initiatives
in the executive leadership team.

• A diversity and inclusion framework that sets goals and timetables to help organizations
establish, promote, and maintain a diverse and inclusive workplace.

• Establish, promote and maintain diversity as a priority to review all relevant policies,
procedures and practices.

• Enhancing diversity initiatives in talent management, creating and implementing diversity and
inclusion strategies for underrepresented groups in recruitment, promotion, and retention.

• Work with external stakeholders, employees and unions to develop strategies and special plans
to promote diversity in the workplace.

• Incorporate diversity into the framework of succession planning, and encourage managers to
identify and cultivate a diverse talent pool within the organization.

• Implement special programs to train and develop underrepresented groups to remove and
reduce barriers and improve their ability to acquire leadership roles in the organization.

• Promote and maintain diversity and inclusion, implement diversity training and develop
strategies for employee engagement

• Develop data to track and monitor diversity plans, conduct voluntary workplace surveys to
understand labor demographics and profiles
Formative Assessments: checklist
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the summative assessment. Indicate in the table below if the learner is
deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name
Assessor’s name
Unit of Competence
BSBDIV802 Conduct strategic planning for diversity learning practices
(Code and Title)
Date(s) of assessment

Has all the following activities been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the Yes No
competency of the learner? Activities 1
(Please circle)

Has all the following activities been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the Yes No
competency of the learner? Activities 2 (Please circle)

Has all the following activities been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the Yes No
competency of the learner? Activities 3 (Please circle)

Has all the following activities been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the Yes No
competency of the learner? Activities 4 (Please circle)

Has all the following activities been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the Yes No
competency of the learner? Activities 5 (Please circle)

Has all the following activities been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the Yes No
competency of the learner? PROJECT – CASE STUDY + PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES (Please circle)

Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner for the activity? Yes No
Activities 1
(Please circle)

Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner for the activity? Yes No
Activities 2
(Please circle)

Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner for the activity? Yes No
Activities 3
(Please circle)

Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner for the activity? Yes No
Activities 4
(Please circle)

Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner for the activity? Yes No
Activities 5
(Please circle)

Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner for the activity? Yes No
(Please circle)


Provide your comments here:

The learner’s Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

performance was:

If not yet satisfactory, date for reassessment:

Feedback to learner:

Learner’s signature
Paul Lee
Assessor’s signature

Workplace Documentation – for learner

Workplace documents checklist
To demonstrate and support workplace knowledge, workplace documents can be submitted to the
assessor or third party. Indicate in the table below the documents that have been provided. Please
refer to your trainer/assessor if clarification is required or if you have any further questions on what
you are able to provide or use.

Document name/description Document attached

Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
For RTO use only
Have originals or digital copies been supplied for the workplace Yes No (Please circle)
If not originals, have the originals been validated or checked? Yes No (Please circle)
Learner’s signature Paul Lee
Assessor’s signature

Supplementary Oral Questions (optional) – for assessor

The below table is for you to document any supplementary verbal questions you have asked the
learner to determine their competency. For example, if you are unsure of their answer to a question
in the Learner Workbook, you may choose to ask them a supplementary question to clarify their
understanding of the relevant criteria.

Learner’s name
Assessor’s name



Date of assessment


Learner answer:

Assessor judgement: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory


Learner answer:

Assessor judgement: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory


Learner answer:

Assessor judgement: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory


Learner answer:

Assessor judgement: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory


Learner answer:

Assessor judgement: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Feedback for the learner

I have read, understood, and am satisfied with the feedback provided by the assessor.

Learner’s name Paul Lee

Learner’s signature Paul Lee

Assessor’s name

Assessor’s signature
Competency record to be completed by assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the overall unit. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
competent or not yet competent for the unit or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name



Date(s) of assessment

Has the learner completed all required assessments to a satisfactory standard? Yes No (Please circle)

Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner to prove their
Yes No (Please circle)
competency across the entire unit?

The learner has been assessed as competent in the elements and performance criteria and the evidence has
been presented as:
Authentic Yes No (Please circle)
Valid Yes No (Please circle)
Reliable Yes No (Please circle)
Current Yes No (Please circle)
Sufficient Yes No (Please circle)

Learner is deemed: Not yet competent Competent

If not yet competent, date for re-assessment:

Comments from trainer/assessor:

Learner’s signature
Paul Lee
Assessor’s signature

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