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Το βιβλίο αυτό ξεκίνησε όταν ένα μπαγλαμαδάκι αποφάσισε να μας διηγηθεί μια ιστορία. Το μπαγλαμαδάκι έζησε πολλά χρόνια, ταξίδεψε, είδε τον κόσμο γύρω του να αλλάζει, αλλά πάντα είχε μια μαγική απλότητα· όποιος το έπαιρνε στα χέρια του... more
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      RebetikaModern Greek folk songsGreek Folk MusicRebetiko Song
In lieu of an abstract, following is an excerpt from the article: "Folk ballads were initially taken up by composers through the mediation of poets and writers, they gradually were selected from the original by the former. This process... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreModern Greek literatureFolk Music
Αφορμή για τη συγγραφή της παρούσας εργασίας αποτέλεσε η σχετικά διαδεδομένη εντύπωση ότι η έννοια του έρωτα δεν απαντά ως τέτοια στα τραγούδια του ελληνικού λαού. Ο έρωτας, θέμα δημοφιλές στη λόγια ποίηση από την αρχαιότητα μέχρι τις... more
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      Modern Greek FolkloreModern Greek folk songsGreek Folk MusicEros and Thanatos In Literature
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      FolklorePerformance StudiesModern Greek literatureModern Greek History
In works of both these composers, despite their many different pursuits and style, resulting also from their chronological distance, we can identify as a strong common feature general characteristics of exoticism. More specifically, in... more
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      AllegoryOrientalismMacedoniaVictor Hugo
The research regarding the position of the woman, namely her roles as well as the perceptions about her, is continuous and is carried out in numerous societies around the world in relation to time and space. The purpose of the present... more
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      Greek Traditional MusicWoman StudiesModern Greek FolkloreModern Greek folk songs
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      FolkloreGreek Lyric PoetryLyric poetryCatullus
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      Modern Greek literatureSecond World WarWorld War IIModern Greek Studies
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      Spiro SamaraSalonModern Greek folk songsVincent d'Indy
Μέρος Α: Ιόνιο Πέλαγος, Παξοί, Λευκάδα, Κεφαλονιά. Κεφαλληνιακά Χρονικά, τόμος 17, Αργοστόλι: Εταιρεία Κεφαλληνιακών Ιστορικών Ερευνών, 2016, σσ. 233-260. Στο παρόν πρώτο μέρος της μελέτης καταγράφονται οι στίχοι ελληνικών δισκογραφημένων... more
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      Greek MusicIonian IslandsModern Greek folk songsSong Lyrics
This paper deals with the role and treatment of folk music by the acclaimed Greek writer, Alexander Papadiamantis (1851-1911). Born in Skiathos island, he moved to Athens where he worked as an author of novels and short stories for... more
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      Music for childrenGnosisMusical CommunicationMusic, Symbolism
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      Modern Greek literatureModern Greek StudiesByzantine and Early Modern Greek LanguageModern Greek Folklore
This article studies two festive occasions taking place in Kozani, a city in northern Greece: firstly its carnival rituals and secondly some theatrical plays, both carried out entirely in the local dialect. In order to examine the... more
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      FolkloreDialectologyPopular CultureModern Greece
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      FolkloreModern Greek literatureFolklore (Literature)Modern Greek
Είναι πιθανό ότι η Ναυσικά Φλέγγα (ή δυο συναγωνιστές του Βελουχιώτη, σύμφωνα με μιαν άλλη αφήγηση) δημιούργησαν τη δική τους εκδοχή έχοντας υπόψη το τραγούδι όπως το παραθέτει ο Δ. Πετρόπουλος, αυτούσιο ή σε κάποια παραλλαγή του.... more
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      Modern Greek folk songsHistory of Greek resistance during World War II
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      RomanticismModern Greek literatureItalian LiteratureModern Greece
The book focuses on the figure of Charos (Χάρος, Χάροντας), widespread throughout the Hellenic world, including Cyprus and the Pontus region, and belonging to folk mythology of Modern Greece. The author, analyzing Greek demotic songs,... more
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      Modern Greek literatureByzantine StudiesModern and Contemporary Greek poetryReception of Antiquity
We can distinguish two major phases in the use of a certain mourning motif in pre-revolutionary and revolutionary Greek folk songs examined: the first and oldest concerns Ottoman (including Albanian) personalities, mourned by their... more
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      Music and GenderGender and MusicGreek RevolutionModern Greek folk songs
In this paper I shed some light on one aspect of the Timarion, which has been rather neglected in modern scholarship, namely the motif of the katabasis to Hades and the elements of afterlife imagery. To my knowledge, this aspect of the... more
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      Byzantine LiteratureModern Greek literatureByzantine StudiesReception of Antiquity
Χρήστος Μαλεβίτσης, Το Δημοτικό Τραγούδι ως περιεχόμενο της συνειδήσεως του Νέου Ελληνισμού, Νέος Ερμής ο Λόγιος, τεύχος 14, Φθινόπωρο 2016, σελ. 109-131. Κύκλος πέντε εισηγήσεων για το δημοτικό τραγούδι στο Ίδρυμα Γουλανδρή-Χορν, το... more
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      Modern Greek cultureModern Greek FolkloreModern Greek folk songsGreek folklore
RESUMEN Algunas canciones acríticas continúan aún vivas en el pueblo griego, adaptándose a las nuevas circunstancias, consecuencia de la plurifuncionalidad de la canción popular. Incluso pueden entonarse en los funerales. Ello ha llevado... more
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      ThraceInterpretaciónModern Greek folk songsAcritic songs
Τα εθιμικά παραδοσιακά τραγούδια αποτελούν ένα χρήσιμο υλικό στη διδασκαλία της μουσικής. Το υλικό αυτό μπορεί να συμβάλλει στην ανάδειξη και αξιοποίηση των τοπικών μουσικών παραδόσεων, καθώς και στην αγωγή για την ακρόαση του ηχητικού... more
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      Music EducationSoundscape StudiesAcoustic EcologyModern Greek folk songs
Η συμβολή του Ευρωπαϊκού Φιλελληνισμού στη συλλογή και έκδοση των Ελληνικών Δημοτικών Τραγουδιών
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      FolkloreModern Greek folk songs
Hermoupolis, the Capital of Syros, the small island of the Aegean, was created after the War of Greek Independence (1821) literally from the beginning, based on the model of the Neoclassical Europe. The citizens of this New World, who... more
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      National IdentityNationalism in MusicMusic and NationalismPavlos Carrer
The male totem has been energizing and guiding males, and civilization, through the ages; this has been the backbone of history. In our times, the male totem is riding majestically across all continents, staging the same act it staged in... more
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      Gender StudiesGreek LiteratureMasculinity StudiesSocial and Cultural Anthropology
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      Modern Greek literatureFolk ReligionEschatologyReception of Antiquity
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      Modern Greek literatureModern Greek StudiesModern Greek cultureModern Greek Folklore
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      Greek LiteratureModern and Contemporary Greek poetryConstantinopleModern Greek folk songs
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      FolkloreOral TraditionExoticismExotic animals
The castle and the epic of Digenis Akritis have an historical core connected to the Lakhmids (Mundhir III) and the description of his castle is a repetition of Umayyad desert castles. This reinterpretation of the Greek medieval epic calls... more
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      Early Muslim ArchitectureModern Greek folk songsBzyantine History
L'introduction et table des matières, aussi bien que l'Annexe qui comprend la traduction de quelques chansons carnavalesques de Kozani du grec en français, de mon mémoire de Master 1, rédigé pendant l'année académique 2015/16 et soutenu... more
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      Gender StudiesAnthropologyGreek LiteratureHeterotopia
Ενα τραγουδι πανω σε μελωδια του Θ. Κουλεντιανου
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      Modern Greek literatureSongsModern Greek folk songsλαογραφία-παραδοσιακοί χοροί και μουσική
This paper aims to describe two main models of emergence and development of Greek dialect literature: Tsakonian and the one of the Azov Greeks.
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      Greek LiteratureGreek DialectsModern Greek folk songsTsakonian Dialect
Cappadocian is an East Asia Minor Greek variety most closely related to Pharasiot and Pontic. Having been cut off from the rest of the Greek-speaking world after the defeat of the Byzantine army by the Seljuk Turks in the battle at... more
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      Cappadocian LanguagePontic LanguagePontic GreekAsia Minor Greek
Linguistic varieties such as female speech, foreigner talk, and colloquial language have not gone unnoticed when it comes to Classical Greek, but little is known about later periods of the Greek language. In this collective volume leading... more
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      SociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeCappadocian LanguageLanguage Variation
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      Modern Greek literatureAngelologyReception of AntiquityModern Greek Studies
Ένα τραγούδι...
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      Modern Greek literatureFolk MusicModern Greek folk songsAncient Greek Songs
Όασις, τ. 10 (2009): 62-67. Το άρθρο παρουσιάζει τη σχέση της δημοφιλούς ηθοποιού και τραγουδίστριας Ρένας Βλαχοπούλου με το λαϊκό τραγούδι. Αν και είχε κατακτήσει κορυφαία θέση στο ελληνικό ελαφρό τραγούδι ως "βασίλισσα της τζαζ" και... more
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      Greek MusicModern Greek folk songs
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      Modern Greek literatureModern Greek HistoryModern Greek StudiesModern Greek culture
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      Modern Greek literatureModern Greek HistoryModern and Contemporary Greek poetryIonian Islands
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      EthnolinguisticsBalkan StudiesModern Greek literatureClassical Reception Studies
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      Oral TraditionsRites of PassageBacchylidesModern Greek folk songs
Η Αυγή της Κυριακής, 27/10/2013 Το άρθρο παρουσιάζει μια σύντομη επισκόπηση των πολεμικών τραγουδιών που έγραψαν οι δημιουργοί του ελαφρού και του ρεμπέτικου τραγουδιού την περίοδο του ελληνοϊταλικού πολέμου (1940-41): παρουσιάζει την... more
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      Greek MusicModern Greek folk songsGreek Folk MusicGreek Musical Theatre
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      FolkloreViolencePerformance StudiesNarrative
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      FolkloreSocial AnthropologyEthnographySocial and Cultural Anthropology