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The area corresponding to the modern city of Rome is usually known for the magnificent remains of the Roman civilization and the myths of its foundation in 753 BC. Less known is evidence of the prehistoric occupation occurring until the... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropologyZooarchaeologyGeoarchaeology
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      ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyFuneral PracticesArchaeological Geophysics
"Presso il laboratorio di Antropologia Morfologica del Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biologia dei Sistemi dell’Università di Torino è in uso da alcuni anni un sistema di archiviazione dei dati antropologici. Si tratta di una scheda... more
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      BioarchaeologyDatabase SystemsOsteoarchaeologyPhisical anthropology
Archeologia e antropologia della morte: 1. La regola dell’eccezione, Atti del 3° Incontro Internazionale di Studi di Antropologia e Archeologia a confronto [Roma, École française de Rome – Stadio di Domiziano, 20- 22 Maggio 2015] / a... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropology
Određivanje pola i starosti na ljudskom skeletu bilo je predmet mnogih antropoloških istraživanja iz čega su standardizovane brojne metode. Ovaj rad opisuje standardne metode za determinaciju pola i prosečne starosti individua. Predmet... more
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      Skeletal BiologyArheologyHuman skeletal anatomyPhisical anthropology
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyPhisical anthropology
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      Funerary ArchaeologyPhisical anthropologyRoman Archaeology
En el presente póster se ensaya una revisión crítica de la trepanación craneal en la antigua sociedad maya como práctica terapéutica y cultural de los períodos Clásico Tardío y primeras fases del Posclásico. Para ello se parte de la... more
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      ArchaeologyBioarchaeologyMaya ArchaeologyArqueología
"SEGUNDA EDAD DEL HIERRO. VOL. 2 CONTEXTOS Los yacimientos celtibéricos del Alto Tajo y Alto Jalón: el I Milenio a.C. en la Meseta Oriental. María Luisa Cerdeño Plaza de Moros y los recintos amurallados carpetanos. Dionisio... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryZooarchaeologyMuseum Studies
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      ArchitectureEarly Modern HistoryMedieval ceramics (Archaeology)Glass (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyPaleoanthropologyPaleopathologyPhysical Anthropology
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      HistoryAncient HistoryPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropology
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      Roman GlassGreek and Roman TombsPhisical anthropologyRoman Archaeology
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kasih yang setia
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    • Phisical anthropology
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      Creative WritingCreative WritingCritical TheoryReligion
La paleopatología se encarga de estudiar las enfermedades que afectaron a los seres vivos en el pasado. Estas enfermedades dejaron su huella indeleble en los restos óseos de las criaturas que las padecieron. En este artículo vamos a... more
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      PaleopathologyOsteoarchaeologyPhisical anthropologyPaleopatologia
Archeologia e antropologia della morte: 2. Corpi, relazioni e azioni: il paesaggio del rito, Atti del 3° Incontro Internazionale di Studi di Antropologia e Archeologia a confronto [Roma, École française de Rome – Stadio di Domiziano,... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropology
This paper first examines craniological materials of the Chemurchek culture of the Early bronze age in Western Mongolia. Significant morphological differences are discovered as compared with the previous Proto-Europeoid population of the... more
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      PaleoanthropologyMongolian StudiesBronze AgePhisical anthropology
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
International Colloquium, october 16-19, 2019. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and EHEHI-Casa de Velázquez
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      Music HistoryDeath StudiesMedieval StudiesEpigraphy
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      AnthropologyAntropología FísicaPhisical anthropologyPaleopatologia
In abdij Mariënlof te Kerniel (Borgloon) wordt het St.-Odiliareliekschrijn bewaard, een kist met daarin de beenderen die worden toegeschreven aan de heilige Odilia. De legende van deze heilige is nauw verbonden met deze van de gemartelde... more
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      Relics (Religion)AMS 14C dating14C dating (Archaeology)Antropologie
Materials to anthropology of the Middle, Late and Final Bronze Age of the Central Kazakhstan The anthropological materials from the entombments of the Bronze Age of Central Kazakhstan are investigated. Specific morphological features of... more
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      Bronze Age (Archaeology)Bronze AgeLate Bronze AgePhisical anthropology
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyArcheologiaArcheaology
The main purpose of the present discussion is the identification of the evidences that bring into light the theme of war in the chronological context of the disappearance of Bronze Age tells and the emergence of large fortified... more
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      ArchaeologyRomanian HistorySocial IdentityLandscape Archaeology
From the end of the 4 th millennium BC, a new proto-Caucasian population that characterized the Afanasyevo culture spread in the interior regions of Asia. This contrasted with the intermediate Mongoloid-Caucasoid anthropological... more
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      MigrationsEarly Bronze AgeEneolithicPhisical anthropology
Objective: Evaluate the usefulness of the dental method of Carrea to estimate the height in Mexican population. Material and methods: Analytical, correlational and cross-sectional study in 2 cadaveric Mexican populations. Sample: 56... more
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      Dental AnthropologyForensic OdontologyPhisical anthropology
Рассматриваются дискуссионные вопросы палеоантропологии мезолита, неолита и энеолита центральных регионов севера Евразии.
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      Craniofacial MorphologyMesolithic/NeolithicNeolithicEneolithic
An autochthonous component in the composition of the population of the Eneolithic-Bronze Age in the Altai Mountains revisited: materials from the collection and archive of the anthropology room at Tomsk State University. The... more
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      Early Bronze Age (Archaeology)Bronze AgeEneolithicPhisical anthropology
Subject to investigation being craniological materials of the Bronze Age from the territory of Central, North and East Kazakhstan obtained from collections of the Anthropological office from the Tomsk State University. The authors... more
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      Bronze Age (Archaeology)Bronze AgePhisical anthropologyCraniometry
This book examines the interactions between indigenous peoples and European invaders in the Caribbean and the way in which domination imposed by a foreign model ultimately transformed this relationship into a system of colonial... more
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      Indigenous StudiesCuban StudiesCaribbean HistoryTaíno
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      Phisical anthropologyNubian studiesMacro-lithic toolsEastern Sudan
RESUMEN En la obra de Parra, la relación dialéctico-crítica entre imagen y palabra es utilizada antipoéticamente como satirización de los metarelatos. Convierte esa misma crítica en un acto de literaturización de la vida. En el texto... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesPolitical Sociology
This paper is aimed at scrutinizing the dependence between the morphological features of the Eneolithic — Early Bronze population and the geographical and bioclimatic conditions in the Altai valleys and intermountain basins. Across the... more
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      Biological AnthropologyBronze AgeEarly Bronze AgeEneolithic
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      Bronze AgeEarly Bronze AgeEneolithicOkunev Culture
Abstract of the thesis
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      Phisical anthropologyCraniometryПАЛЕОАНТРОПОЛОГИЯ
Definimos como marcador de actividad aquellos cambios en la arquitectura interna y/o externa del hueso, que se desarrollan bajo condiciones de estrés continuado o debido a la realización de determinadas tareas. El reconocimiento y... more
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      ArchaeologyPaleopathologyMusculoskeletal Stress Markers (MSM)Phisical anthropology
Llorenç Alapont (Coordinador). Llorenç Alapont i Carmina Ballester: La Intervenció Arqueològica en el Jaciment Visigòtic de la senda de l'Horteta. Llorenç Alapont i Francisco J. Tormo: El Tresor de Monedes Visigodes de la Senda de... more
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      Late AntiquityDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Late Roman ArchaeologyLate Roman Pottery
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyConflictAncestral Pueblo (Archaeology)
Рассматриваются краниологические материалы из погребений ямной культуры с территории Западного Казахстана. Их сравнение с палеоантропологическими данными степей и лесостепей Евра- зии синхронными и предшествующего времени показывает... more
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      археологияPhisical anthropologyАнтропологияЗауралье
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologySpanish archaeology
Исследуются палеоантропологические материалы пахомовской культуры эпохи поздней бронзы, относящейся к кругу андроноидных культур Западной Сибири. Краниологическая серия с памятника Ново-Шадрино VII (пять мужских и три женских черепа) в... more
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      Late Bronze Age archaeologyBronze Age (Archaeology)Bronze AgeLate Bronze Age
L’archeologia funeraria in Italia del Sud (Fine VI – inizi III secolo a.C.) Parigi, (INHA) Venerdì 24 e sabato 25 marzo 2017 Angela Bellia Università di Bologna – New York University E-mail: angelaabellia1@virgilio.it;... more
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      ArchaeologyMusicologyFunerary ArchaeologyEthnology
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      ArchaeologyBioarchaeologyArqueologíaAntropología Física
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      AnthropologyBioarchaeologyAntropologíaPhisical anthropology
The present work is dedicated to the study of morphological traits of the modern Chilean population in order to identify its constituent anthropological components. This biological anthropological study focused on facial metric traits of... more
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      AnthropometryChileComparative Historical AnalysisPhisical anthropology
El propósito del artículo es revisar la historia vital y sobre todo la historia post mórtem del “gigante” español con mayor proyección mediática de todos los tiempos: Agustín Luengo Capilla (1849-1875), conocido como “El Gigante... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesAnthropology
The main objective of this paper is to assess the genetic structure and residence preferences of the populations that inhabit the Honduran Moskitia, a wide area of tropical rain forest that comprises the Department of Gracias a Dios, in... more
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      AnthropologyHuman GeneticsPopulation GeneticsPopulation genetics (Biology)
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      BioarchaeologyPaleopathologyEgyptian ArchaeologyTuberculosis and Infectious Disease